*Old Rivalry*

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December 1995

It pained Iris to keep her pregnancy a secret from Harry, but she thought it would be better if she did. Minnie had only come over the weekend to visit her and kept her up to date with Hogwarts, or so Iris thought. Things at Hogwarts were a little, iffy. The new DADA teacher was beyond cruel and did nasty things to Harry. Minnie didn't know the exact extent of Harry's punishments, but she knew they were bad. Yet she kept it a secret from iris, she didn't need the pregnant woman to worry. Iris herself was having a hard time keeping up with maternity, it was quite hard when you were isolated and didn't have the option to get more information from pre-pregnant women. It was decided, that Iris would give up her baby for adoption at a muggle adoption agency, but if she couldn't find a decent family, she would keep her child. It was much better than being abandoned at an orphanage, the idea made Iris sick. 

Today she was going to her 4th candidate for her baby, the last three were ok but they made iris hesitant. She knew she was being picky, but she wanted to find a person who she clicked with. The muggle adoption agency had no idea Iris was a witch, but that was the point. She entered the room led by a nice woman who worked at the agency. Iris kept her eyes on her stomach as if to see through it to look at her feet which were having trouble moving forward. She raised her gaze and was stood shocked at who was there. The woman was also in a state of shock, now looking as if she regretted coming here. "Iris, this is Penelope Clearwater, I'll let you two talk." The friendly worker walked out of the room, leaving the two witches to stare at each other bewildered. 

"What are you doing here?" Iris asked coldly, taking a seat because she was getting tired. Penelope looked speechless, and Iris expected her to say something witty, but she just looked nervous which made iris raise her eyebrows. "I-I was looking to see if you'd give me your baby, but obviously you wouldn't." She gulped and twiddled her thumbs nervously. Yes, Iris had no intention of giving her baby to her, but she felt that she would let her talk. "Of course I wouldn't, I'm not stupid enough to give you my baby," She said. Penelope looked down, looking guilty, which made iris regret her tone for a bit. "Well, I assumed you wouldn't, so I guess I'll be going." She said quietly. But before she turned the knob to the door, she walked back and sat down again. She seemed to have gained some sort of confidence. "Uh, look, I just want to apologize for- everything. And I'm not saying this so I can have your baby, I don't think you'd give it to me, but I feel guilty for everything I've done and I feel like I should apologize to you." Iris was intrigued, she had now just realized that Penelope Clearwater, whom she once assumed was evil, wanted a baby. 

Iris kept quiet, indicating that she was listening Penelope took a shaky breath in and continued to talk. "I've never told anyone this, but I'm actually adopted." Iris was once again in a state of shock. "My uh childhood was nowhere near bad as yours, but it wasn't the greatest. My parents, they uh, they took care of me, but they were never around. They always had business trips and everything. They were nice when they were home, but they just couldn't spend time with me. I guess they spoiled me a bit too much, to the point where I became selfish. So in first year, I was happy I became friends with you, but when you also were friends with Percy after I said I liked him, I felt jealous because I didn't like to share. I know it's not an excuse for being a bully to you through all of Hogwarts, and it's definitely not an excuse for you and Percy's breakup, but I feel the least I can do is apologize." Iris kept silent, staring at her blankly. Does she want to give her baby to her? No. But is she being biased and judging her from her past? Yes. Does she see how much Penelope has changed? Yes. "Is she willing to possibly give her a chance?... Maybe.

Iris cleared her throat, wanting to clear something up. "Why do you want a baby?" She asked simply. Penelope had her gaze on the floor. "I'm not really sure, I used to not be fond of kids. It's just, one day I was walking home from work, and I ran into this orphan, and I felt so bad. And the whole you-know-who is back thing is scaring me, but I'm sort of alone, I mean no one will give me a chance anymore, and I know it's a little irresponsible to go and adopt a baby, I know it's way harder than that. But I just feel I've never had any accomplishment to be proud of in my life, I  mean yeah I got prefect in Hogwarts, but I didn't do it because I wanted to be smart, it was mainly just personal stuff. Now that I think about it, thinking of adopting sounds sort of silly." Yes, iris did agree with her, they were the same age yet they wanted what the other had. But instead of teasing her, she listened.

"But I don't know if I'm ready, but I feel it's something you learn on the way. If you know who really is back, I want to be able to protect someone important and raise someone to be proud of. I feel, then I'll be able to truly take responsibility for my actions." They stood in silence for a while. "WHy'd you choose a muggle adoption?" Iris asked. It was starting to turn more and more into a real adoption process. "Oh, well I just thought I could start new and fresh, if the baby was a muggle, then it'll be new for the both of us, and I don't have to raise a child in the guilt of my past. But of course, I feel it would have been smarter to go to a wizard adoption." She said, having her brain think Iris was not going to give her her baby anyway, so it was barely a process. But Iris was thinking the opposite. "Why did you choose a muggle agency?" Penelope questioned.

Iris looked at her bump, "Well, I didn't want anyone from the wizarding world to know, but I'm not sure, I don't have a very good answer." She laughed at herself, but maybe Penelope was the choice. Unknown to the change in Iris's heart, she just talked like they were old friends. "Is it... Percys?" She wondered. iris nodded sadly. "Yeah she is, he broke up with me but I haven't told him, and I'm not ready to raise a child, so adoption was an option." Penelope nodded in empathy, something she was able to develop as of a year ago. "So it's a girl?" She wondered. Iris nodded again. "Yeah, she's due in February," Penelope smiled, bringing something up. "I move in February actually." She didn't mean for it to spark interest, it was more of an 'I can relate' topic.

"Oh really? Where are you moving?" Iris asked. Penelope didn't realize the curiosity in Iri's voice, so she answered. "I'm moving to the west of England, I actually got a job there as a healer, yeah I'm quitting working at the ministry. I actually bought a house there, it's pretty decent for a small family." She described it to Iris and was surprised when she found her smiling. "What?" She asked suspiciously. Iris looked away, the smile still on her face. "Well, Penelope. As much as I am reluctant to give you my baby, I can see you've changed and you want to do some good. I dunno maybe I'm under the imperious curse or something, but uh, I think you'd make a great mom, for my baby." Penelope could not believe her ears, and tears were forming. "Really? After all, I've done to you?" Iris laughed. "Well, If you hadn't come back to talk again, I would never give her up to you, but you've changed Penny, and I know you. Worst case I come back to take her away, but I think it's better than giving her away to random muggles. Plus you already know about magic so there'd be no need for surprises." Penelope cried harder at the old nickname, and she stood up to hug iris. Iris hugged her back, tears formin gi her own tears. "Thank you, Iris, there will never be a day where I won't protect her." She cried. iris laughed, it was good to have her old friend back.

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now