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November 11th, 1991

Before Iris had told any of her friends that she was now dating the Hufflepuff quidditch team's captain, they came up to her and confronted her about it. She didn't have time to talk to them, however, because they were ordered to go to their dorms due to the time. Penelope was not there which was a relief for Iris because that meant she could use the whole room without anyone else in it. Pacing, she began thinking. "What did he tell literally everyone in the school?" she said out loud while brushing her hair. "Well I mean, he's pretty popular, can't really blame him can I?" she looked over to the cat on her bed. He sat there sleepily, curled up in a tight ball. Iris sighed and petted her cat as it fell to sleep. The dorm door opened up, revealing a certain person that Iris wasn't fond of. 

"Oh, you're still up then? Thinking about your new boyfriend are you? Just can't stop blushing over everything he says?" Penelope sneered at her while walking towards her bed, but Iris could have sworn she saw a small smirk on her face. Iris sat up, furrowing her eyebrow. "How did you- who told you? He literally asked me an hour ago." Penelope gave her one of her fake smiles. "Oh no one told me, sweetie, but you can give me credit for letting everyone else know. It would have been a waste to not have this new thing go unsaid." Iris was once again finding herself with a fast pulse. "You spied on me?" Iris stood up, getting her robes on. "I wouldn't say that, I mean, you two were snogging all over the place," Penelope said it like it was no big deal. The blonde groaned. "We were not- never mind. Who did you tell?" She demanded. At this, the other girl looked at her roommate, keeping a straight face. "Didn't I just say? I told a bunch of people, mostly the ones who are really chatty, I thought you wanted it out as fast as possible, poor Weasley didn't seem too happy though." Panic struck Iris and rushed out of the room, the whole Ravenclaw house in fact. She ran all the way to the Gryffindor common room, but it wasn't for who Penelope thought it was. 


Percy's POV, during prefect duties, before the scene above

Percy and Penelope were walking quietly around the halls, they were on prefect duty. Percy thought it was a bit odd that he and Penelope were always together, but he didn't mind it. She was pretty, not that it mattered, and was easy to talk to. She would always just stare at him, but it let him have a chance to express his goals in the future. It was easy to talk to her since they both had the same ambitions, or so he gathered from the brunette. It was ten minutes past curfew, but Percy found more people buzzing around the halls than usual. "Oi, you lot, it's past curfew. I'd say, 2 points from each of your houses. Get to your dorms immediately." The group of 4th-year girls quickly scurried away to their houses, but they seemed to be continuing their conversation. Percy sighed disapprovingly and led him and Penelope to the next corridor. "What is up with everyone? It's a disgrace to the rules, it seemed everyone has forgotten what's more important. I mean, what could they be buzzing about." 

Penelope walked with her hands behind her back, giving Percy an innocent look. "Don't you know? Dursley and Wheeler started dating." Percy stopped walking from the shock. He almost let his mouth hang, but quickly gathered himself and started walking again. He kept his composure, but if it were bright, his forehead would shine with sweat. "Really?" He asked neutrally. Penelope smirked, "Yeah, lots of people saw them today at Hogsmeade, I'm surprised you didn't catch them, they were snogging all over the place." It was a lie, but Percy didn't have to know. His throat hitched, and he looked at Penelope's face for confirmation. He kept his face straight, but Penelope could see jealousy, just what she wanted. "Oh, well I must've missed it. Isn't that horrible to do though? There're rivals in quidditch." Penelope nodded, but she was more concentrated on getting closer to Percy.

"That's probably why everyone's out, they want to gossip about it. Most girls don't think Dursley is anywhere near good enough for Wheeler, and I have to admit that I agree." She didn't elaborate in fear an argument would take place. Penelope checked her watch, their shift was over. "Oh well, time's up. At least they aren't from your house." She tutted and shook her head. "What a disgrace." Percy wasn't exactly listening. "Oh well, see you tomorrow Percy," She placed a kiss on his cheek and winked at him when he looked at her confused. Without turning back, she walked away from him, leaving Percy to watch her. After looking at the spot she just left, Percy started walking back to his dorm, his head thinking very hard. he didn't realize he was already in the common room sitting on the couch until the twins came up to bother him. 

The twins teased him about something, but Percy didn't hear them. Confused, Fred and George sat on either side of their older brother, trying to see what his head was occupied with. "Percy," George said. "Hello? Peercy?" Fred joined. George started waving his hand in front of him. Percy seemed unfazed. George and Fred looked at each other before grinning identically. Pulling out a small package from Fred's pocket, they placed it in front of Percy. Aligning the package and their older brother, they tapped it with their wands, and from it, a giant spider flew out and landed on Percy's face. Percy screamed and frantically tried to pull the fake bug from his face as his brothers roared with laughter. After finally holding still and prying it off his face, he got a good look at his younger brothers who were laughing at him. "What was that for?" He demanded, crossing his arms and sneering at them Fred grinned, "That was a spider. We came up with it at home, it was meant for Ron, but he's always with Granger. We thought we'd test it out on you since you were 'daydreaming'." Fred imitated his older brother dreamily falling into George's arms, bursting into another fit of laughter joined by George. Percy's anger was rising. 

"You two wait until I tell mum about this! She'll have you grounded." He said. Fred and George stopped laughing and got defensive. "Woah woah woah, don't go snooping on us!" George said. "Yeah! We were just worried about you, that's all." It was an excuse and Percy knew it. "We called your name like 5 times, you didn't budge." Percy realized they were talking about him thinking about Iris, and then he thought about her new relationship which brought him down to the couch beside his brothers. "Just thinking that's all." Fred snorted. "Yeah, do any more and you're head will get bigger. HEy, maybe then you can become minister for magic!" Percy shoved his brother off the couch, which surprised the twins since Percy wasn't all too physical. George cautiously talked to Percy. "What happened? It's like someone you fancy died!" Percy glared at him too, causing George to back off. After several minutes of silence, which was unusual for the twins, Percy spoke again.

"The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff team captains started dating, I was just thinking about how Gryffindor might actually have a chance this year." He made up an excuse for his absence. "Well of course we have a chance, we have Po- Wait what?" They said it at the same time. "Back up back up, Iris and wheeler are dating?" Percy gave a nod but gave them a side glance when he saw their expression. "You didn't," he questioned, but at that minute, the twins started raging about Wheeler not being good-looking. The realization hit Percy. "You fancied her didn't you?" He asked accusingly. Fred rolled his eyes. "Who doesn't?" Percy was about to say 'me' but stopped when the portrait hole opened revealing the girl they were talking about. A few moments ago, Percy couldn't believe Wheeler would date Iris, but now that he thought about it, who wouldn't? Iris was out of breath but managed to mutter some words. "Harry, I need Harry." 

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