*Staying at Diagon Alley*

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Iris had never had such freedom, not even within the castle. It might have to do with staying at an inn by yourself, or just the fact that you're an adult now. On the second day of their stay, Iris had begun practicing for her apparition test, while Harry did, who knows what. She told him as long as he didn't spend too much money and stayed within the alley, he could go wherever he wanted. She often found him at the ice cream shop, getting help from the owner for some of his homework. 

The next week, Iris took her test and passed, granting her access to travel almost everywhere. She wasn't so sure she could apparate outside of the country when her instructor told her she wasn't listening. Anyways she had no desire to leave the country, and she didn't go far even with the freedom. There was about still a week left till Percy would come back from Egypt, she received a letter from him telling her they were also staying at the leaky cauldron for the last week of summer. The rooms Harry and herself were staying in were being paid for by the ministry, but of course, Iris felt bad and offered to help Tom the bartender every day. She didn't have anything else to do anyways, and the old man was fun to talk to. He gave her lots of work tips, the basics of working in the magical world. He even offered to help her find a place to live since Tom was very up to date on real estate. 

Iris didn't end up finding an apartment, but she was thankful for this advice he gave her, she would use them in the future. Sirius Black seemed to be a very famous topic going around, whenever Iris passed by gossipers, it was all about the mass murderer. Gathering information, she was shocked to find that Black was probably after her cousin, she had to re-think his freedom around the alley. Tom assured her that Aurors were around and that Black wouldn't possibly snatch harry in broad daylight. As long as Harry came back to the inn by 6, Iris was reassured he would be safe. 

Yet even though the murderer frightened her, she felt she knew his name from a very faint memory, and she remembered her aunt in it. Perhaps Black was a psychopath while her aunt and uncle attended Hogwarts. Finally, the week had passed, and the Weasleys arrive at the pub. They all looked tired from travelling, but they looked like they had the best time of their lives. Iris felt whole-heartedly they deserved the winning, a fairly like them deserved everything, unlike hers. "iris!" The youngest redhead exclaimed, running up to the blond and engulfing her into a hug. Iris toppled back surprised by the gesture but hugged the girl back nonetheless. It was a little less enthusiastic, she felt the need to work on that. "Hiya Ginny, how was your trip?" Ginny smiled at Iris and sat her down at the nearest table. 

"Oh, it was absolutely wonderful! And we got to see Bill too, it was so nice to see him again! Oh and we also got to meet his roommate, Mika I think it was. But George didn't seem as happy as I expected." The little girl shared her concerns but brushed it off immediately. Iris thought about what Ginny said, He must still like her then she thought, while Ginny continued a very brief summary of their trip. She heard someone clear their throat, someone who does that often. Ginny felt offended her brother interrupted her, and glared at him. "Percy!" She whined. "I was talking to her!" Percy didn't change his expression. "You've been talking to her for half an hour, and I'd like to talk to my girlfriend thank you." He said. Ginny opened her mouth to protest, but Iris intervened. "It's ok Ginny, why don't you sleepover in my room tonight? Then we can talk all about your trip, and you don't have to share a room with your parents." Ginny liked the idea and left the couple.

As soon as Percy sat down he smiled a little. "Oh my Merlin, that trip did something to you! You're smiling and I haven't even cracked a joke!" Iris joked ironically. Percy rolled his eyes, still smiling, however. "I forgot to give you a gift on your birthday, here." He passed her gift that was obviously a book. iris raised her eyebrow and ripped the package. She gasped when she saw what it was. "The techniques of quidditch keepers!?" She exclaimed, flipping through the pages t check that it really was the book. Percy grinned proudly to himself, "Yes it is. Iris had her eyes big and wide. "You're kidding? How'd you get this? They only sell it in certain parts of the world, and you had it translated!" Percy shrugged. "We stopped by Rome on our way back, and for your information, I just went into the bookstore to find books, and it happened to be there. I didn't look for it specifically." He blabbed on, but Iris pretend not to hear. "Aww, who would've thought Percy was such a sweety." She said in a baby voice pinching his cheeks

She sniggered when he swatted her oof. "Do that again and I'll give it to someone else." He warned while Iris zipped up her lips. They fell into silence. "Oh, I forgot to mention, I got head girl.' iris said while reading the first page. Percy dropped dead, yes he was happy for her, but how on earth did Dumbledore give her the badge. As much as he hated Penelope, he thought she'd have a better chance. He was about to say something he'd regret, but Iris stopped him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Clearwater would have a better chance than me." She said as if she read his mind, stopping Percy. "Don't know how I got it, but I did. So I guess now we're roomies." She grinned at him before returning back to her book. "Well then, I guess congratulations are in order," he said gaining Iris's attention, who closed the book and turned herself to look at Percy. "Thanks, now tell me all about the trip so I know what Ginny's talking about tonight." The little girl had the tendency to talk very fast and expected iris to keep up with everything. If Iris got a head start, she'd know exactly what to expect.


I kinda realized at the end of this chapter that they'd be staying at the leaky cauldron for 2 months, but I was too lazy to edit it. 

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