*Tom the bartender*

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Professor McGonagall sat in front of the Dursleys in their living room. Iris thought she was dreaming when she heard the lady in front of her confirm the letter. "No, there is no way she will be going!" Vernon said after she finished explaining. He surprisingly kept his manners and waited for her to finish before rejecting. The witch stared at him sternly. "I understand your own opinions, however, I deeply recommend that Ms. Dursley attends Hogwarts in order to study and train the arts of magic. It will help her use magic wisely and safely." Everything she said went through Vernon like a ghost.

"No, I won't accept! I won't pay a huge amount of money for some nonsense!" Iris sighed, knowing that there was no way she would be able to go without her father paying for it. McGonagall seemed to take note of Iris's disappointment. She cleared her throat. "That can be arranged. If you refuse to pay for her school, she can definitely go to Gringotts bank and apply for a Student program." The second option gave Iris hope. Vernon and Petunia seemed disappointed that their excuse failed. "They will be able to provide for necessary school items, and for Hogwarts. After you are of age, they will require you to pay back the money, but by then I am sure Iris will have no problem with it." Although she wasn't smiling, Iris could swear she saw some amusement in McGonagall's eyes. 

With the stern look on her eyes, The Dursleys seemed pressurized to let their daughter go to the school of magic. There was a moment of silence. Iris prayed so hard that her parents would let her go. Vernon looked at his wife who seemed to be slightly pale and frustrated. She sighed loudly and gave a half nod. Vernon turned back to the witch, fierce but slightly cautious. "Alright, we will let her go, but I will not be paying!" The sides of McGonagall's lips twitched upwards slightly to reveal a small smile. "Good, I will inform the headmaster when I return back to Hogwarts. I recommend going to get your supplies today as many students will start getting theirs sooner or later. It is located in Diagon Alley, just goes inside the Leaky Cauldron. Now I will be off and I thank you for your time."

The lady brought out her wand for a second time that morning and swished it elegantly towards the door. Iris guessed she took off the 'magic' that locked the door, and as the Lady said earlier, the magic that made the room noise-proof. She left the house with Vernon hastily closing the door behind her. As soon as it shut closed, he turned to his happy daughter with a raged look on his face. "If I hear ONE word about anything about that wrenched place or of you lot, I will pull you out! AND, if you dare say ANYTHING to the boy or Dudley, I promise you, you will regret it! Do I make myself clear!?" Iris nodded and let herself run to her room.

She forgot that Harry was sleeping on her bed that she half-screamed when she saw him. "W-what?" Harry asked sleepily. Iris let out of sigh of relief, feeling stupid that she thought her little cousin was a monster of sorts. "Nothing Leo, sorry I woke you up. How did you sleep last night?" Harry mumbled a good, as he reached for his glasses. "What's that in your hand?" He asked after spotting the pieces of parchment. Iris's pulse quickened again while folding them nicely so he couldn't read anything. "Oh, it's just my acceptance letter t-to my new school. You know the one Uncle and Auntie were talking about?" Harry nodded recalling the school. "Oh wait, it isn't that boarding school, is it? I don't want you to leave me forever!" Iris bit the inside of her lip at him. Her parents wanted her to go to the cheapest boarding school there was, so they only had to see her at Christmas and the summer. She was somewhat glad that she had a backup school so she could lie about it.

"Yes, it is. But Harry, it won't be forever. I'll be back at Christmas and summer. I wouldn't ever leave you." she embraced the little boy. "Ok," he said sadly. Iris decided to change the subject. "Hey bud, cheer up! I'm pretty sure we can have some of last night's cake." Harry smiled brightly all of a sudden, eager to have some sugar.


Never in a million years would Iris imagine her mother driving her to London to get her school supplies. When she asked this morning, she was sure she was going to get rejected. Instead, Petunia said she would take her there since she needed to get some stuff in London. She refused to go in with her, but would drive her to the 'leaky cauldron'. Iris didn't actually know where the leaky cauldron was, but Petunia didn't seem to care. She drove randomly up streets, which Iris took note of. The car finally stopped, in front of a rattled pub. Iris looked up and down the street, looking for said Leaky cauldron. When she didn't find it, she looked at her mother. "Are you sure we are in the right place?" Petunia shrugged and beckoned her out of the car. "I will pick you up in 3 hours, she needed 6." Petunia said the last part under her breath, but Iris heard. Though she wasn't quite sure what she meant by it. The car drove off, leaving Iris alone in a deserted street. She sighed and looked up to the shop signs again. "Where am I supposed to find such a pl-" She stopped when she found something different about the pub in front of her. When she got closer to the entrance, the sign that was just a black empty board, held a picture of a witch stirring a cauldron. 

The closer she got to the pub, the clearer it got. When she was directly in front of it, it held the words, 'Leaky Cauldron'. Iris smiled, happy she figured out how to get there. She entered the pub, half-expecting to find it empty, but gasped when she saw the inside. A big heartwarming pub, filled with so many people. Her feet led her to the middle of the pub, as she watched above her. It was the life she dreamed of. She looked around, trying to find another sign that said 'Diagon Alley! This way!', But she found none. Frowning, she approached the bartender. He was a middle-aged man who looked rather friendly. "Can I help you?" He asked. Iris thought of what to say without sounding stupid. "I'm looking for Diagon Alley, can you help me?" The man smiled and led her to a door and into a small courtyard behind the pub. 

He took out a stick, that looked very similar to the one McGonagall had that morning and tapped on the bricks in front of her. "Now am I correct to assume you are a Hogwarts student?" Iris nodded. "Very well, then I suppose you are getting your wand today?" Iris nodded again. "Good, now when you get your wand, you will find it necessary to enter Diagon Alley. Just remember this. From the rubbish bin, count three up and two across. tap that brick 3 times and it will lead you to..." He tapped the brick three times, and the whole wall started to re-arrange. Iris gasped, and the man smiled. "Oh wow, thank you so much-" "Tom," he said. "The names Tom. I hope you have a great day!" Iris smiled. Tom started treating back into his pub. "Oh, wait, "Iris called. Tom turned his head and looked at her. "Do you mind telling me where the bank is?" She had a feeling it was called Gringotts, but she decided to just call it the bank. "Oh no! It's right in front of you actually. The big white building! Just be careful when you're in there, don't mess with the goblins." Iris thanked him once more and made her way to the goblin run bank.

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