*Rescue mission*

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July 31st, 1992

Iris's 16th birthday went almost ignored, but Iris was not fazed by the lack of attention. Her mother baked her a muffin with a small singular candle, and it looked pathetic compared to Dudley's massive video-game cake. Still, Iris ate the muffin with no complaint, blowing out the candle with the wish of having a better year. Harry and she celebrated upstairs later that night, he gave her a book that she wanted, along with a real birthday cake from Mrs. Weasley (ordered by Harry.) Mika, Eric and Phelipe. This is what she called a real birthday. However, today was harry's 12th birthday, which only Iris brought up. Everyone else ignored it like it was a normal day, and replaced it with the important dinner party. Iris gave her father her prettiest finger when he told her something rude, which Petunia gasped at and earned her some punishment.

"They can't just ignore it like that!" Iris complained to Harry. He looked at her with a smile, appreciating her. "It's all right, we can celebrate later!" Harry encouraged. The two birthdays seemed to be the only thing that the two enjoyed this summer. Otherwise, the family had avoided the two wizards like the plague. At least now that Dudley knew Iris was a witch, he stayed away from her, careful to not get turned into a pig. "Now, we should go over the plan once more!" Verno said that morning. Iris groaned audibly, her mother smacked her across her head. "At exactly 8'0'clock, we shall all be promptly in position. Petunia you'll be," He started. Her mother stood up straight and put on a dazzling smile. Iris rolled her eyes. After so many years of being married, her mother still tried to impress her father.

"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously into our home!" She said, gesturing to the living room. "Good good," he said nodding. Now turning to his two children. "And Dudley and Iris will be?" he asked. Unlike Iris, Dudley stood up and put on a foul simpering smile. "Waiting at the door, 'may I take your coats, Mr. and Mrs. Mason?'" Petunia cried out, so proud of his handsome boy. iris felt a twinge of jealousy but dismissed it quickly. "Excellent Dudders! And you?" He asked his daughter in a different tone. Iris sighed. "I'll be right behind Dud, and lead them to the living room." Vernon nodded, approved. He then asked Harry what he'd be doing, which he replied to being in his room quietly. The rest of the morning they rehearsed everything, then as it was noon, they started preparing for the guests. Then at 7, iris was forced to wear a pink dress which she despised and makeup. Her mother furiously put it on her, Iris doing her best to make it hard. 

"Oh, how dreadful that pimple is if only this foundation would cover it up! You're just like her." She muttered under her breath, but Iris heard, and her anger seemed to be making the pimple grow bigger. After putting half the bottle on her forehead, Iris looked at her reflection. She looked exactly like her mother, the dress she was wearing, the makeup, and now that she looked closely, she looked like when she was dating Anthony. Iris spat at her reflection, before running downstairs, making her dress all rumpled. The doorbell rang, 'here goes nothing' Iris said.


The first half of the night went perfectly as planned. The masons took a liking to the fat little boy, and iris, or as Iris liked to call, 'Mini Petunia'. Then just as dinner was being served, there was a thump coming from upstairs, and Iris knew at once something was wrong. But her father kept making excuses, like Dudley leaving his TV on, or the nosey neighbours throwing rocks at their window. Every time there was a noise, Vernon would go himself to shut Harry up. "Why don't you let me go?' Iris asked her father when they were alone for a fraction of a second. "Don't matter, I need you with them, they ought to get a good impression." He walked away from her leaving her confused. A good impression for what?


Vernon didn't get the deal the next day, nor did anyone in the house. Harry didn't even get a meal, and iris just got an apple. Why? Because there was a house-elf last night that ruined everything. At first, Iris was furious with Harry, especially since he used magic, but when she heard the familiar crack of apparation, she knew it wasn't him. She got him to explain that night before they were locked away in their rooms. iris pleaded for her father to let him out, but it seemed to have made matters worse. He put up bars in Harry's room, and he installed a cat flap on his door. Iris fought and fought the first day, but that put locks on her room too. She was allowed to get out of her room more often than Harry so she could clean, but she received nearly the same amounts of food. 'this isn't healthy' she thought to herself while sipping the soup from the small bowl. She was more worried about Harry than herself since she had already stopped growing, it was alright if she starved for a month or two, but Harry was still too young. Iris sighed and paced her room. She did it often to get her thoughts out of her head. 

It was filled with frustration, betrayal, jealousy, nearly every negative thing you could think of. Iris had gotten away with keeping her school supplies in her room, but Harry wasn't so lucky. Even though she studied every day, she kept everything packed just in case they had to leave at any point, she didn't think it would be necessary but it could happen. She heard a car engine outside and looked out the window. It was nearly midnight, so she wondered who could be driving at this hour. She scanned the street, but there were no cars lit up. Then she heard a bang, which made her jump from the window. Another bang went off, and for a second Iris thought there was a shooting or something. The last bang was the loudest, and iris felt like she heard it being ripped off the house. Worried, she plucked a hairpin from her hair and started playing with the lock. 5 minutes later, she heard the little click and the door was open. She saw her parents rush into Harry's open door, but Iris saw a flash of red. She ran into the room as well and gasped at the scene in front of her.

Her father was dangling from the house, grabbing onto harry, who was in a flying blue ford angela, with Fred, George, and Ron inside. The car jolted forward, and Iris screamed when Vernon fell out the window and into the front lawn. She made eye contact with Harry, who was leaving. Without hesitation, she ran into her room and grabbed everything, just in time before her mother recovered from the shock. "get back here Iris!" She yelled, but Iris didn't stop. She grabbed her wand and dashed out the door. Raising it so she could call the night bus, but instead, the Weasleys and Harry pulled up in front of her. "Get in!" Fred yelled. iris looked back to her house, Vernon was looking angrier than ever, Petunia at the doorway looking like she could kill. Then she looked down the street, the bus could appear at any time. "Iris hurry!" Harry pleaded. They were no doubt going to the Weasley's house, meaning she would have to see Percy. 

making the quickest decision she ever made, she launched her trunk into the car, hopped on, and left privet drive. As soon as they were in the air, Iris let out a shaky breath. What did she do? she asked herself. She was bothered by her thoughts, she didn't hear that Harry had already started a conversation with the Weasleys. The realization hit her, and she was angry. "Nevermind Draco Malfoy!" She interrupted, "What are you lot doing flying a car to little winging? You're all underage!" George waved her off. "Save the scolding, that's mum's job, anyways, we were worried that's all." Iris scoffed. "You could've sent a letter! Or you could have gotten your parents!" She said furiously. "Besides, there are plenty of other ways to get places!" She said, the night bus in mind. Ron sighed. "I tried you know, at first we thought it was Errol's fault-" "Who's Errol?" Harry asked. "Our owl. He's ancient. It wouldn't be the first time he collapsed on a delivery. So then I tried to borrow Hermes-" Ron said, "Who?" Harry asked again. Iris groaned at Harry's interruption. "The owl mum and dad bought when Percy was made prefect," Fred said from the front. "But Percy wouldn't let me, said he needed him. Said he needed him." "Percy's been acting very oddly this summer," said George, frowning."And he has been sending a lot of letters and spending a load of time shut up in his room. . . . I mean, there's only so many times you can polish a prefect badge. . . . You're driving too far west, Fred," he added, pointing at a compass on the dashboard.

Iris thought bitterly and felt tears prickle again, but she scolded herself for even thinking of it. about half an hour later, the sun was starting to rise, and Iris found herself in a different place, she found a house that was tall and lopsided, and she immediately knew it belonged to the Weasleys. Her pulse suddenly picked up the pace,  as they approached nearer and nearer to the burrow. 

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