*Mean Auntie*

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July 10th, 1993

5 more days Iris thought. 5 more days until she would finally turn 17, and leave her parents with her younger cousin. 5 more days until she could use her wand again. 5 more days until she would be free of her childhood. "I have a surprise!" Vernon announced that night, leading Iris to wonder if it was something for her birthday. She, of course, cursed under her breath for letting her hopes up. Nonetheless, she listened to her father at the dinner table. "Marge is coming to visit for the week!" He said happier than usual. Iris's jaw dropped. it was one thing to be named after the hag, but another for her to visit before her birthday. "You're joking right?" Iris asked hopefully. Vernon glared at her. "I am not, and you two," he pointed at the wizard and witch. "Will behave. She hasn't a clue of what you two really are, and I plan to keep it that way." 

5 minutes into the conversation and iris already had her mouth open. "Why can't Aunt marge know?" Vernon audibly gasped. "Nonsense. It shan't happen. She cannot know about your abnormality. She'd be disgraced if she knew, especially since you're named after her." Iris turned her nose into the air. "You raised me." She muttered. For the sake of not having an argument, Vernon kept his anger under control and pretended to not hear. The rest of the day was about cleaning up the house and making room for Marge and her dogs. The next morning, Iris woke up to her Aunt in the kitchen. She hid a cringe and greeted her in Dursley fashion. "Hello, Aunt Marge." She greeted in a monotone voice. Marge looked at her niece and smiled only slightly. "Glad to see you've got your manners in order then."

Iris gave her a fake smile before sitting down across from her. Dudley and Harry arrived shortly after, breaking the tension in the room. "Dudders! Oh my neffy-poo!" She said excitedly. It was obvious who the favourite was, it was all the same in the Dursley family, even her grandparents didn't like her. Harry sat down beside her, letting Marge know Harry still lived with them. "Oh, you're still here then?" Marge asked timidly. Harry almost sneered. "Yes." His tone did not go unnoticed by Marge. "Don't you say 'yes' in that ungrateful tone!" She barked, keeping everyone quiet. "If you were dropped onto my doorstep it would've been straight to the orphanage!" Iris's parents laughed, making Iris feel closer to exploding. "Just 5 more days, just 5 more days." She thought to herself, and Harry seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"Where do you send him again Vernon?" Marge asked her brother. "St. Brutus." He replied happily with his lie. Iris fought the urge to roll her eyes. "It's a first-rate-Institue for hopeless cases." He continued. Marge looked at Harry suspiciously. "And do they use canes at this school boy?" She asked. Harry looked hesitant for a bit, but to Iris's surprise, he responded. "Yeah, I've been beaten loads of times." The way he said it didn't seem to sell well with Marge, but Iris thought something was off. Normally, he'd talk back, but today he seemed to be happy to say what he said. While iris was thinking, she didn't hear her aunt conversing with her. She felt a fat hand slap her on the head, making iris jolt. Harry's fist curled under the table, and even though it hurt a lot, iris looked around stupidly. 

"What?" She asked. Marge grumbled, "I asked girl, have you any plans for the future?" Iris shared looks with her mother and father, they'd never actually discussed what would happen, and the parental figures inside both cruel beings were curious. "I-i haven't actually decided." She confessed. marge snorted. "Course you haven't, bet you're gonna end up working in some bar," iris narrowed her eyes at her, but before she could speak, Harry did it. "She's got top marks in her school." what he said technically wasn't a lie, Marge thought she went to an all-girls school, and Iris did have the top marks out of the females in her grade. Vernon felt somewhat relieved, while Petunia had a tiny bit of pride, which soon diminished after returning to her proper self. Marge was now interested and looked Iris straight in the eye. "Do you now? So then what's holding you back? Is it a boy?" She said it with disgust. "Better not be pregnant," She said unknown to the small glance between Petunia and Vernon. Iris was fuming, "Course I'm not, but what if I am? Mum and father got pregnant with me at 18!" She blurted. Vernon went red from anger and embarrassment, so did Petunia. Marge didn't seem to be disgraced by either of them. 

"Yes, but you were a mistake, therefore it doesn't count." iris glared at her. Then thinking of one line before storming up to her room. "A mistake is an error that you refuse to fix, I'm just the product of their error." She looked at her parents and left. She had enough of being called such a word, so she decided to blame her parents rather than herself.


The rest of marge's visit was rough. Iris had let her tongue go several times that week, giving witty responses to Marge. It didn't sit well with and they always ended up fighting. After the second day, Iris decided not to eat with them anymore, but everyone in the family was sort of happy because the arguments were not the prettiest. It was Marge's final day, which also happened to be Iris's birthday which went ignored. Unfortunately, iris was born at midnight meaning she had to stay until she turned 17. Her mother also forced her to eat with them that night, upon Marge's request. Vernon thought it would be a good idea to get Marge drunk, but her rude comments only seemed to anger both teenagers. The ruddy lady was currently talking about bad blood, mostly about iris and Harry. "I mean nothing against your family Petunia." She said reassuringly to her mother, but iris thought 100% was petunia's family.  "You're sister, there's always a bad egg in the best families, we haven't had one since the 1800s, it seems this one is starting to rot."

She jotted her head in the direction of iris, who felt her hands getting very hot. "It's too bad you're related to it." She said, and Marge gave her a death stare. "I don't know where you're parents went wrong, I mean, Dudders came out perfect." Dudley was proud he was higher than his older sister. iris kicked him under the table but pretended she didn't do it."In ten minutes I and harry will be out of your hairs, fo good." She muttered. "This Potter," Marge said slurring her words, "What did he do?" Vernon looked at his nephew before replying. "He didn't- unemployed." "Aha" marge said snapping her fingers. Then she said some rather rude things about James Potter, both iris and harry were ready to explode. "They didn't die in a car crash!" Harry yelled. Marge sneered at him. "They died in a car crash, you nasty little liar! And left you to be a burden of their decent, hardworking relatives! You are an insolent, ungrateful little," She stopped talking, and next thing you know, Marge was floating and expanding.

Iris laughed, "How's that for a birthday gift?" She asked amused. Harry went to action at once, iris slowly following. They grabbed their stuff and rushed to the door. "No, you come back and put her right!" He demanded. "How dad? Want me to pop her?" Iris asked nastily. He glared at his daughter. "I know you can put her back! Do it right now!" Harry was on his way out, But iris felt she needed to say something o her father before she turned 17. "I can't, I don't turn 17 until," she checked her wristwatch and smirked. "3 more minutes, which by that time we'll be gone." She started leaving. "Iris, you come back here! You have nowhere to go! You're still a stupid child!" he yelled into the street. iris smiled at him, "In 3 minutes I'll be an adult, thanks for being a great idol dad. Bye." She ran with Harry to the park, feeling like she could fly. She felt free, felt happy, she never had to go back there again.

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