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On Saturday, she had nothing so she made plans with Mika considering they haven't spent much time together. Iris was on her way to Gryffindor common room, dressed in muggle clothing. She said the password to the fat lady, who let her in without complaint, Iris may or may not have bribed her to let her in. She found the common room almost empty, everyone seemed to be outside by the great lake since it was their first break of the year. "Oh Iris, you're here already!" Mika said from the stairs. "Hello Mika, you ready?" Iris asked. "Almost," SHe replied and ran back to her dorm. Iris shrugged and took a seat on the couch, reading her textbook. She noticed a girl with brown bushy hair moving closer to her, Iris looked up and made eye contact with the first-year-looking girl. 

"Can I help you?" Iris asked. The girl looked confident and determined. "Are you Iris Dursley?" Iris nodded. "You're Harry Potter's cousin right?" The girl asked timidly. "Yeah I am, why?" Iris started getting curious. "Oh Good," The girl said and took a seat next to Iris. "I'm Hermione Granger, and I just wanted to tell you that Harry and his friend Ronald went out last night thinking they were going to duel Draco Malfoy." The girl named Hermione explained everything that happened last night. Hermione was too scared to tell a prefect, but she thought it would be mature to tell Iris. Immediately after Hermione finished her story, Iris thanked her. "Thank you, Hermione, for telling me this. I'll make sure you don't get in trouble, I think I won't tell anyone this time, but if this happens again, please tell me." Hermione nodded, ending their conversation. "Now why don't you run along so I can have a chat with the boys," Iris said adding a sweet smile. Hermione nodded and left the common room. As soon as Iris knew she was gone, she looked up and yelled. 

"HARRY JAMES POTTER, GET DOWN HERE AT ONCE!" About a minute later, she heard two rushing pairs of feet running to the common room. Harry was accompanied by Ron and looked guilty when he saw the mad look on his cousin's face. "Er, Hi Iris." Iris stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Mind you guys telling me what you did last night? Perhaps something to do with duelling Malfoy after curfew?" She gave them a stern look, to Harry, it looked like Aunt Petunia was there. 

"What!? How do you know about tha-Hermione told you didn't she?" Ron asked. Iris scanned their guilty faces. "Don't go and blame her, she has every right to! I can't believe you two thought of duelling Malfoy! Especially after curfew!" Ron immediately retorted. "You've been out after curfew!" Iris thought that was correct. "Well. At least I waited until Christmas to sneak out. Not on the first week of school! And anyway, even if Malfoy was there, you could have killed each other! You don't know anything about duelling Harry! You literally discovered the wizarding world three weeks ago!" Harry looked down at his feet, Ron did too. "Sorry Iris, I won't do it again," Harry muttered. Iris scoffed instead of accepting his apology. "I don't want you to not sneak out! It's part of the adventure, just next time makes sure I don't find out." Harry and Ron couldn't believe their ears. "Now go on, it's a Saturday, those only come once a week." The two boys scurried off, probably to discuss the blond girl's lack of concern.

"M' sorry Iris, I'm ready now!" Mika said running down the stairs. Iris chuckled. "Finally Mika, let's go down to the black lake." Iris and Mika hooked arms and marched off goofily to the lake.


Iris was back in the Gryffindor common room after dinner. Mika had forgotten her detention with professor McGonagall, cutting their hang-out day short. "Sorry Ris, I forgot about it, I'll make it up to you when we go to Hogsmeade, all sweets are on me!" Mika apologized profoundly, "It's fine Mika, now go before you get another detention for being late!!" Mika fan out of the common room, leaving Iris. She sat down on the couch, looking into the fire. "Iris?" A voice asked from behind her. Iris jumped and looked behind her, she sighed a relief when she saw it was only Percy. "Percy! Perfect, now I have someone to accompany me!" She grinned and whipped out her wand. She casually swished it and the chessboard in front of her set itself up. "I want to play chess." Iris insisted and gestured to the seat across from her. Percy looked dumbfounded. "I can't, I've got homework to do." Iris stood up and grabbed his arm, and dragged him to the seat. "I know you only have arithmancy, and I know the answer, it'll be done like that," She said while snapping her fingers and planning her first move. Percy groaned. "Why can't you get someone else to play with you?" Iris was concentrated after Percy sub-consciously moved his pawn. 

"You're the only person who has beaten Ron in chess, if I can beat you, then I can play against Ron, Check." she threatened his king, a smug smile on her face, proud of her early accomplishment. Percy didn't look fazed, instead, he moved his bishop, and...

"Checkmate." He said, now looking proud of himself. Iris thought it was all a dream for a minute. Blinking a couple of times, she replayed the action in her head. "Huh," she said, now nodding and trying to accept her defeat. Iris was still staring at the board, but Percy was actually smiling. "Well, I guess I'll be going then, that was fun Dursley, but I don't think you're ready for Ron," Percy said, walking away to his dorm while Iris crossed her arms and sat grumpily on the couch. 


On Monday Iris had herbology, and it's not like she didn't like the subject, just it was hard for her since it was difficult to study it from books. Their period was with the Hufflepuff's, who of course, make every chance they have to show off that they're better at herbology than the Ravenclaws. Iris was by the window, not really paying attention. They were supposed to cut something from a plant that Iris wasn't really sure the name of was. She grabbed a pair of scissors and tried to copy what the other failing Ravenclaws were doing. Noticing she was failing, she sighed and set the scissors down. She felt a human's presence beside her and looked. Beside her, was a dark skin boy, with brown chocolate eyes and perfectly settled hair. Iris shook her head silently and gave a half-smile. 

"Need help?" The Hufflepuff asked. Iris pursed her lips a little and looked at her plant before returning back. "Sure," The boy nodded and picked the scissors back up. "Dursley right?" He asked, snipping the plants effortlessly. Iris nodded but stared in part-awe at the plant. "Yeah, Iris Dursley, your Huffelpuff's captain right? Wheeler was it?" Iris asked. He nodded. "Yeah, just call me Anthony, we'll be competing often anyway." He looked at her with a grin, and Iris grinned back. "And we're gonna kick your arse." She looked away and looked at the plants, leaving Anthony to look at the side of her face. "Hey, how are you so good at this?" Iris asked knowing Wheeler wasn't necessarily strong academically.

He pointed to Professor Sprout, "She's my great-aunt, and her mother is also a professional at Herbology," He shrugged "I've been in a household full of herbologists, I guess you pick up a thing or two." Iris hummed, looking at him as he said so. They made eye contact, but Iris was the first to break it, apparently also blushing as she turned away. Anthony cleared his throat. "Hey, would you like to hang out together on our first Hogsmead trip this year? Like a date?" Iris looked back at him, surprised by the offer. Butterflies erupted in her stomach. "Like a date?" She asked stupidly. "I mean," she shook her head and rephrased. "I mean yeah sure, I would love to!" She smiled weakly. Anthony nodded, a little happier than he was 5 seconds ago. "Great, we'll talk more when it come closer." Iris nodded, still feeling a little unconfident and weak in the knees. "Yeah, absolutely. Er, thanks for helping me with.. this." She pointed to her plant. Anthony winked, walking back to his desk to collect his stuff for his next period. He left without her, but that was because Iris held herself behind. She let out a shaky breath. She normally wasn't this nervous. "Get your self together Iris," she muttered to herself, all the way to her next class.

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя