{Chapter 5}

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Chapter 5


I'm now sitting in a large black SUV while one of my family driver is driving me home, it's been been a very long day and my back still hurts because of sleeping on the floor.But today isn't over yet and I still have to make a few important calls along with important papers that I have to review.Im sitting in the back set on my laptop reading reading som paper work.

30 minutes onto the ride I feel my phone ringing ,I answer it not even bothering to see who it is .It's not like that many people have my number for me to be worried as to who is on the other side of the phone.

' boss a man is here wanting to speak with you ' oh it's Lora,this must be important if she's calling me boss.

"Put him on the phone" l say in a bored tone.

' Hello '  it's Edward or how l call him the old one with a stick up his ass.

"Oh yes Edward, what's so urgent that you need me on a Friday evening " l say that making sure l sound aggravated.

I hear him swallow through the phone.
' Well l was wondering if you would be open to play with me again ,l want to gamble back my building in Time Square '

Oh that's a surprise l thought that he was calling to try and gamble back that auction house its pretty small but it's in a good location,the building in time square is rundown and it's on the outskirts,their must be a big bet on it to want to win it back.

"Ok fine and what are you going to bet in ,you know if you lose" he doesn't say anything for a while,he must be hesitant.

' What about that park you wanted in Scotland'
Wow he must be really desperate,that park is beautiful and it's the only reason l agreed to play with him when he contacted me before.

"Alright, the underground snake palace in Las Vegas Sunday 11:00pm don't be late"l say and hang up before he can reply.

l put the phone back in my sweatshirt pocket and open up my schedule to add the bet for Sunday night.l have Monday off of school there's a long weekend this week so I'll be able to make it back to New York before school starts on Tuesday.

I turn off my laptop and put it in my travel bag.I didn't get that much sleep last night so I'm dead tired,there's still two hours left before l make it home so l should at least take a nap.
I wake up after feeling the car stop. I'm confused at first because I don't usually wake up in the backseat of a car but once I look outside the window and see the house in its full glory l realize that l  haven't been kidnapped.

The side door suddenly opens and I see the driver carrying my suitcase by its handle. I hop out of the car still half asleep and I take the suitcase.

It's pretty dark outside but all the lights coming from the house makes it look like it's noon.I start making my way up to the door rolling my little suitcase behind me.

When I make it to the front door and lift my hand ready to knock on the door when a butler opens it for me,he looks scared probably one of my moms poor victims.

' Good evening ma'am ' he says in a formal tone.

I look back at him and smile shipley and start to slowly remove my hoodie off my head.

"Well yes good evening,is my family in the dining room"

' Yes they are in the dining room,you are actually the last one to arrive ' he says pointing towards the dining room doors.
That's surprising,most of the time my dad is the last one to arrive.

" ok l see,thank you " l say as he takes my suitcase.
l enter the house and start to make my way towards the dining room.l make it too the big dining room doors and open them to see my whole family siting there in silence,which is unusual they're usually at each other's throats by now.

In the deep silence of my family l quietly take a set next to Gray which catches the attention of my mom.

' oh honey you're finally here ' my mom says breaking the dead silence.

"Yeah sorry,looks like I'm late"

' Oh don't worry it's just that we got here a little early today ' my mom says taking her water and drinking a few sips.

"Ok,but why do you guys look like you were just told that we're all going to die"
l say casually trying to lighten up the mood,my mom doesn't take it well though she starts coughing on her water and my dad just glares at me while both of my brothers are try to suppress a laugh

' Evanna that's not how a young lady act's you should know better then that ' my mom say in a strict tone.

" and how exactly is a young lady supposed to act"

'They should act proper and elegant because that's that only way you'll find yourself a good husband and without a husband your useless'

What the fuck did my mom just say. l am the most intellectual person in man kind and that's what she has planned for my future.l don't like fighting with my mom,actually l hate it but sometimes she just gets on my nerv-

' Well then since everyone's here let's eat dinner ' my dad says and motions the servants to bring out the food,before l can act on whatever thought l was having.

When the food comes out there was steak with baked potatoes , we start eating.l try to forget and push past at what my mom just said,l then remember how everyone looked when l came in.l turn my attention towards Gray and nudge him with my shoulder he the turns his head towards me.

' What ' he says giving me his normal sassy attitude.

"Why did you guys look like you just saw a homeless man take a shit in the middle of the subway"l say and he thinks for a second.

' l can't say,but one thing led to another and Wilson finally came out as gay ........yeah '

My brother already came out to us siblings but was to scared to tell our parents.It's not like it was a surprise everyone already knew it's not like we have a don't have gaydar, but he must have been frustrated for him to come out like this and he never gets frustrated when his in front of our parents.

" all right "l say not wanting to make it a big deal right now since he must be feeling horrible.
"Oh and what led to that"l say remembering that he didn't actually answer my whole question.

' Dad said we can't tell you because he wants to do it' he says and simply turns back to his food.

"Alright" is all l say not wanting to argue .l focus back on my food as well and wonder what dad wants to tell me.
Word count-1294

This chapter is kinda messy but l hope you enjoy and are having a nice day.😊😊


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