{Chapter 11}

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POV/Evanna Whitlock

What was l doing?
Oh right l have to get up.

Ughh what day is it again?

Wait where am l?
Really you just noticed even though you've been staring out the window for over thirty minutes.

Finally looking around the room l notice that Im in my house.l get out of bed and walk over my  bathroom,feeling unusually lighter l look down at my clothes.

When did l change l told Neil to never touch me unless l passed out I needed help Walking.Neil is my driver and he even has a key to the house encase of an emergency,he's never properly seen my face since I've never actually passed out until tonight l guess but changing my clothes is overboard.


I turn around facing towards the sound,is this the moment l die,shit l still haven't to finished that bucket list.Dame it

'Ughh' l here coming from my couch.

I slowly walk towards the couch trying not to make a sound in a attempt try and catch the.....well l don't know what it is.

As l walked lightly across the room all of a sudden something jumps out behind the couch as l let out a loud scream and fall on my ass.

Slowly lifting my head as l support it with my hand l look up to see the third person on my suspect list of people who could have changed me.


Yep you heard me Chris the guy that l confidently went up to and got drugged,though that was me just being an idiot and testing out a drink that "might be drugged".

He looked at me straight in the eyes for a good thirty seconds before he starts to speak.

' Why the fuck are you awake at 4 in the morning ' he says in a low half-asleep voice.

I look over his shoulder towards the window and see that it's still dark out.This is usually the time l wake up if l went to sleep around one or tow in the morning .l don't get much sleep so I guess my body is just used to sleeping a certain amount of time.

" I only sleep for three hours max" I say as I stand up and dust off my clothes.

" also I'm getting you black for scaring the shit out of me" I say pointing accusingly at him.

' all right whatever, but do that later I'm going back to sleep ' he says tiredly and then lays back down onto my couch.

Well I don't have time to argue with the hot stranger on my couch seeing as I have things to do and places to sneak back into before anyone notices I'm gone.


I get out of the bathroom freshly showered wearing my regular business clothes which are some sweats and a T-shirt. I remember when I actually try to get dressed for work, but it was used since no one actually saw me.

And taking the towel wrap out of my hair a walk over to my nightstand in search of my phone. I don't find it so I go over to peaceful sleeping Chris and violently shake him awake.

"Get up" l yell into his ear.

'What' he says pushing my arms away from his shoulders and covering his ears.

" where's my phone" I say rolling my eyes from his childish acts.

He turns his head towards me and smiles sheepishly.

What did he do.

' I left it at the bar along with everything else ' he says in a low whisper looking anywhere else but at me .

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