{Chapter 13}

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POV/Evanna Whitlock

"I look ok" I say looking down at my baggy black jeans and a black oversized hoodie I'm wearing.

I'm getting ready to go to the Underground Snake right now.I haven't done anything all day except lazy around and talk to Chris, surprisingly he doesn't have any friends either. I was going to finish up some work but I already did all the important stuff so I gave myself a break.

I open my drawer filled with jewelry, I don't personally wear any but E.V does,preferably chains. Laura told me that it will make me fit in more with the places that I'm always going to for my matches. She wasn't wrong of course.

Looking at my collection I choose a silver chain that's not so chunky along with with a silver chain belt.

I look over to my phone and see it's already 10:03. I should get going just to make sure I'm not late.
I go downstairs and grab my car keys I would drive motorcycle and look badass but I'm too scared to drive a bike on steroids, no offense because they're still really badass but not for me. I enter my garage and get in my black Camaro.l turn on the car and pull out the driveway and make my way to the Snake.


I stomp on the brakes and get out of the car. It's already 11:00 so they should be here already.

I don't own this place but I do act like it. I walk up to the back entrance which is just a latch that's on top of the place, it's literally underground if you haven't guessed. The main entrance is just a door leading to some stairs, the latch is not as fancy seeming as I have to climb down the ladder but it will do.

Looking down at the many steps I have to take I consider just jumping down but my notification to live goes off and I just climb down normally. Once I make it to the bottom I walk down the dark hallway until I make it to the tunnel. The reason it's called the underground snake is because it has tunnels that snake around all the rooms, no a lot of people know this though.

I turn on my phone's flashlight and walk down the tunnel until I see my backpack on the ground next to the wall. I always make someone put my things here before so I don't have to do it myself.

I sit down on the floor and start unpacking my things l take out my laptop along with the other one, a flash drive and my headphones. I hack into that camera software along with the intercom that I convinced one of the employees to put in there secretly. I know it's weird to gamble like this instead of doing it online or in person but I like to gamble with properties instead of money it's just more exciting and just a little illegal.

" all right let's get started " I see through the intercom which makes my voice come out deep and unrecognizable.


That was a long match, it only dragged out because he was cheating so it was a little bit harder to maneuver when the game is changing specifically for him.

' I can't believe I just lost ' I hear him say from the room.

" well then I must leave now and for a future suggestion don't mess with me" I say and log off the intercom with a smirk plastered on my face.

I look down at my phone and notice that it's already 1:00am.

OH Shit

I quickly pack up my things and leave it where l found it and send a text to Lora about the bag I'm leaving here today along with the paperwork for the new park. I walk down the tunnel and make it to the dark hallway.l climb up the ladder and open the latch which was kind of tough to open but I did it with the zero strength l have.

I walk over to my car and get in I would return back home to get my things but I don't have time for that right now since I have to make it to my private jet because I'm already an hour late.

I drive off until I see the mini airport lot with my beautiful black airplane that's surprisingly matching my car, I only got it in black because it was less noticeable at night. Getting out of a car I walk up the stairs and enter the empty plane, the only person that I allowed to come into the pain is the pilot and may be an assistant if it's necessary. I'll take a seat next to the,exit just wanting to make sure if anything happens and give the pilot a quick text that I'm already here and that they can fly.
After that the plane soon takes off into the sky.


Hearing a vice come on through the intercom a jerk awake.

' The plane will land in a few minutes' I hear them say.

I slowly and tiredly buckle my seatbelt,l look out the window and see that it's already light outside. If I'm not wrong it should already be around six in the morning I fell asleep around two hours ago at four in the morning.

It was only a few minutes before we landed and I was out of the plane. Since the only thing I had was my phone my flash drive which has all my data in it and my wallet I didn't have to wait until they brought out my luggage,so I just in the backseat of one of my cars and let the chauffeur drive me back to the penthouse. My aunt was expecting me to back bye late last night so she is expecting me to be here this morning I have to get there before she realizes that l wasn't there.


I made it back to the penthouse just in time for me to hear my aunt screaming at me to get ready, thank goodness she didn't decide to be spontaneous and open my bedroom door to see that I wasn't in there.l sneak through the living room past the kitchen and into the hallway which leads to my room.When l open my bedroom door I'm greeted by Sofia who is guarding the door from the inside just in case anyone comes in. She knows that I'm always doing something at night she doesn't question it though.

' ma'am why are you dressed like that?' Sophia says in her usual formal tone.

" it's comfortable" I say and shrug my shoulders.

' well I suggest that you better get dressed in something more appropriate for school which starts in about 30 minutes' Sophia says and leaves the room.

I sigh and walk over to my closet and quickly get dressed. I'm going to miss this when my family moves to New York.

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