Chapter 28

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Yay chapter on my boring birthday—

Jungkook sleepily hugged his hubby but he frowned when there was no one. He slowly opened his eyes and Taehyung was not there.

"Tae?" Jungkook said but got no response. He looked at the bathroom..but there is no sound.

"Did he went to work?" He sat on the bed and hissed in pain.

"Ah.." Jungkook tried to get up..but failed falling on to the bed again.. he sat there for few minutes before trying to get up again.

Finallu he managed to get up and slowly went to the bathroom..he did his routine getting ready to go downstairs. He drank the painkillers which was on the table along with a glass of water.

Jungkook went to downstairs to enter the kitchen. He widened his eyes when he saw smoke coming from the kitchen.

"What the—" someone coughed from the kitchen causing jungkook to gasp. He ran inside to see Taehyung coughing and trying to clear his path since it's smoking.

"TAE!!" Jungkook switched off the stove while coughing. Taehyung breathed heavily trying to normal his breath.

Jungkook held Taehyung's cheeks and looked if Taehyung is okay.

"Babe what were you doing? Why did you do it? It might have burnt the whole house..and you..oh no tae.."

"I-I'm fine baby..i was just-i was trying okay.." Taehyung said embarrassed. Jungkook sighed and took Taehyung out of the couch sitting him on the couch.

"You don't even know how to switch on did you even do it?"

"Well..I don't know..but i did it.." Taehyung said with a proud smile while jungkook glared at his husband hitting his head lightly. Taehyung hissed and smiled cheekily at jungkook seeing him angry.

"Why are you so proud of it? You idiot!" Jungkook said going from Taehyung.

"Hey! Babe!! Don't be angry!" Taehyung said widening his eyes seeing his wife leave him alone.

He sat there for few minutes and then saw jungkook coming back to him with a first aid kit. Jungkook sat down besides Taehyung who smiled at him. Jungkook rolled his eyes flicking Taehyung's forehead causing other to hiss in pain.

"Oww baby!" Taehyung complained rubbing his forehead.

"What are you smiling at? Don't you dare to do something like that!" Jungkook sighed starting to treat Taehyung's hand which was burnt a little.

Taehyung glance at jungkook who was focused on treating his hand. When jungkook felt Taehyung looking at him, he glanced at Taehyung and looked away.

"Babyyy..don't get angry.."

"I'm not angry.."

"Reallyyyyy?" Taehyung's eyes lit up.

" shut your mouth.." Jungkook said and Taehyung zipped his mouth.

"Mama!!" Juntae ran to them and stopped when he saw jungkook treating Taehyung's hand.

"Ish dada okay?" Juntae slowly walked to them sitting on the floor in front of his parents. Taehyung nodded smiling at his son.

"I'm okay jun..just a little accident.." Taehyung said.


"Little Accident my ass.." jungkook said mocking Taehyung who chuckled.

Jungkook got up and went to the kitchen to cook. But them forgot what Taehyung did.

"Ah..i have to clean this mess now..tae!!"

"Yes baby?"

"I don't think we can eat breakfast today.."


"The kitchen!"

" about we eat breakfast from outside today??"

"Okay but.."

"I will tell the maids to clean it okay?" Taehyung said and jungkook finally walked out of the kitchen.

"Okay then..let's get ready.." Jungkook said picking up juntae who whined.

"Mama! Hungryy.."

"I will place the order then baby..then it will be easy.." Jungkook nodded and went to juntae's room to wash him.

Taehyung placed the order and took a wash in their room and got ready. Then jungkook walked inside going to his closet. Taehyung smirked when jungkook started to strip with back facing to him.

Older walked to the younger wrapping his arms around jungkook's bear waist. Jungkook gasped at the sudden action but relaxed. Taehyung leaved some wet kisses on jungkook's neck causing the other one to bit his lips.

"Tae..let go..i wanna get ready.." Jungkook said trying to free from his horny  husband . Taehyung grinned and squeezed jungkook's ass. Jungkook gasped and pushed Taehyung away from him.

Taehyung laughed seeing jungkook's reaction. Jungkook mouthed 'pervert' and got ready to go..and there was Taehyung staring at jungkook's every action while his hands crossed over his chest.

The younger male turned around just to face his hubby staring at him with hungry eyes. He blushed and went out of the room leaving Taehyung dumbfounded.

"Babe! Wait for me!" Taehyung followed jungkook to the living room and juntae ran to them.

"Hungwyyyy.." juntae pouted.

"Aww baby..let's go now.." Jungkook picked up juntae and went to the car. Taehyung got into the driving seat while the other sat on the passenger seat along with juntae.

"Dada quick quick!! Jun is hungwy!" Juntae said jumping on jungkook's lap. The couple chuckled seeing their baby's actions.

"Dada is going fast as he can bear.." Taehyung said while giving a smile to juntae before focusing on the road. Juntae pouted and leaned back resting on jungkook's chest.

"Eyes on the road mr." Jungkook said teasingly to Taehyung who was glancing at him. Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes looking at the road.

"You got some attitudes huh bunny boy.." Taehyung said while jungkook laughed ruffling their baby's hair.

"Well i know I'm beautiful that you can't stop looking at the road, but I don't wanna get into an accident.." Jungkook said with a smug smile.

"Oh look who is talking.." Taehyung said with a faked annoyed face.

They arrived inside a restaurant which was a simple one. Three of them got off from the car and went inside the restaurant.

"Order of Taehyung!" Girl at the counter shouted to the workers seeing Taehyung.

"We have arranged that table for you" a waiter said leading them to a table. Taehyung thanked the waiter and went to the counter.

Three of them sat down waiting for the breakfast.

"Hungwyyyyyyyyyy..." juntae whined again being impatient smelling food. Jungkook chuckled.

"Wait few minutes-oh here it is.." Taehyung said seeing the waiter coming back with their food.

Taehyung started to eat while jungkook also ate feeding juntae who eagerly ate.

"Slow down jun..or else you will chock.." juntae just giggled and swallowed his food.

When Taehyung was done he took his phone and scrolled through social media. Jungkook then saw someone staring at them with sharp eyes. He was familiar to jungkook but can't remember who it is.

Then he looked away from the man feeding juntae.

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