Nokukhanya (Chapter 5)

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Chapter 5

●Nokukhanya Ngwenya 

I think I messed it up I know I did. Once again my smart mouth ruined things for me. It’s been a week since they told me ‘Thank you don’t call us we will call you’ and I’ve been depressed ever since I’m not naïve I know that they wont call me maybe its time I start applying again. I think I was so wrapped up that the suit guy was the actual CEO and I forgot to be professional and my personality just took over.

But why would he come and meet me before my interview something doesn’t add up. Was he trying to see what kind of person I was before he considered hiring me. Cracking my head over this wont do me any good because I will never know. Let me just get ready for work . 

I roll to the side of my bed and try to charge my phone but it doesn’t want to charge. Dammit! They switched off my power again.  I groaned and pushed my head deeper into my pillow screaming. This is not happening when will I ever catch a break. I rushed out of bed and wiped the important parts with my wipes making sure that I put on more lotion on me to avoid any unpleasant odors later on. My braids are neatly tied up unlike that day I had to let them lose to hide my head bump.

“When am I getting my money Nokukhanya? Your rent is due.” No good morning nothing. 

“Today bab'Duma… I’m sorry I’m a ekbit late this month but I will pay you when I get back from work.”

“Until then your power will remain off. I’m sorry but I have to treat you like the rest of my tenants.”

“I understand. Usalekahle.” He nods and I walk away going to the taxi rank.

Such a nice man I’m sure his wife put him through this he actually doesn’t like doing all of this because he understands each and everyone of us as his tenants. My phone is off since I didn’t charge it now I’m not listening to music like I usually do so I’m forced to communicate with the guy sitting next to me or just get depressed thinking about my life… thinking about my life it is. I’m going to ignore this idiot sitting next to me busy telling me he saw his future and I was in it. Idiot!


“Why is your phone off? Old Jones is looking for you.” 

“Sawubona Cindy unjani.” I greet her softly and she rolls her eyes.

“Mxm! Why is your phone off Nokukhanya.”

“My rent is long over due and they decided to cut off my electricity. I will see you later.” I walk away leaving her there to avoid any lectures when she starts she never stops.

You would swear she was older than me but we the same age I know sometimes I act childish but she’s worse when she starts acting motherly with me.

“Good morning Mr Jones…you wanted to see me?”

“Morning Khanyo please take a sit.” This is not a good day and trying to correct this man regarding my name will be a waste of time.

“Uhm I don’t know how to put this in a nice way…” Its happening. It was long overdue.

“Is there something wrong Mr Jones?”

“No!...Yes!... I mean no but… this is hard…”

“Are you firing me Mr Jones?”

“What? No! Uhm yes I’m sorry Khanyo but you’ve been slacking lately and making mistakes which are costing me more money…I’m sorry I have to let you go.”

“Its okay...” I’m not even going to argue myself out of this one like I did before. I stand up and leave.
“Thank you…I’ll leave now. Bye.”

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