Nokukhanya (Chapter 8)

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Chapter 8

●Nokukhanya Ngwenya 

I have no idea why I said that to him seriously who does that surely I looked like one of those crazy women who got dumped. I’m sitting at the back seat and thinking about my life. Come to think of it I don’t have any direction at all I mean Cindy and I are the same age but already she has a stable job a house and Jabu who loves her dearly and now they are expecting their first baby I wouldn’t be surprise if they would get married. And here am I sleeping with married men leaving in a one bedroom house and I cant even get an internship for my degree yet I’m graduating in three weeks. How pathetic.

“Nokukhanya…” Why is she talking to me now.

“Nokukhanya I’m talking to you.” She says again.

“I can hear you Cindy.” I’m tired really and right now I don’t need her judgement.

“Aren’t you happy for us…with the baby I mean.” She asks.

“How can you say something like that. Of course I’m happy for you guys.”

“No indaba your reaction earlier on was not of an excited person.” She says. I’m confused kanti she wanted me to throw a party for her or maybe shout from the roof top.

“I’m sorry it came across that way because I am happy for you guys.” Both Jabu and her looks at me then at each and then they remain quiet after that.

I just need to get away from them for a little while. Or just maybe get away from life itself this living shit is hard and having no one on your corner is harder.

“Can you please drop me off at Victor's I need to get my phone.” I say and She hands me my phone back. So she had it all along. Mxm.

“Thanks.” I says.

“Are you okay.” 

“Yes I’m okay.” I tell Her.

I need to do some changes with my life.
Starting with getting what’s mine.


I asked them to drop me off at the mall I needed to get a few things for my room before going to see my grandmother. 

I bought myself a small plasma TV a microwave and a brand new iron and some groceries. Things that will help me to survive until I get a new job. My rent is fully paid up for the next coming five months. The package that I received from Mr Jones wasn’t bad at all in fact my leave days boosted it hence I can get myself all this things now room will look nicer.

I was behind this couple who seemed like they were in love killing us with their affection making me wonder if ever I was going to meet someone who is meant for me and not someone else’s husband.

Why is everyone looking at me.

“Next please.” Shit. I was day dreaming again.
I pushed my trolley to the front. 

“Hi…sorry.” I said with a smile.

“Its okay…it happens all the time.  You looked miles away.” Okay…she’s friendly compare to all the cashiers you get at supermarkets.

“It does neh. Are they not looking for people? I need a job. Anything will do.” I asked the cashier while giving her my card to swipe my items. She seemed very nice I hope she’s not one of those uptight one and I’m not overstepping boundaries.

“It’s your lucky day…they are. You see that guy over there.” She said pointing to some guy who was wearing uniform that was completely different than the rest of the staff.

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