Nokukhanya ( Chapter 7)

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Chapter 7

Nokukhanya Ngwenya 

When I open my eyes his arms are wrapped around me and my face on top of his chest and the pain between my legs cannot be ignored my cookie is on fire. I don’t know when we finally managed to sleep because after that first round he gave me he wanted more and I couldn’t resist him I also wanted more I’m sure they call this whore tendencies right.

I’m so disappointed in myself this is not the way I wanted to lose my virginity well it was good really good got my first orgasm on the first round I heard some they never get to that point on their first  try but look at me I’m flying high but the downfall of it is that I slept with someone else’s husband’s. This is bad extremely disappointing I’m sure my parents are turning in their grave. 

“Good morning.” He says softly. Why is he awake though I wanted to slip away from here and run away. Let me just pretend like I’m still sleeping.

“I know you are awake.” Then why isn’t there breakfast in bed kinda treatment.



“Good morning.” He says holding my face so I can face him. I could just slap the smirk off his face right now.

“Morning…I should get going.” I say trying to move away from him but he holds me tightly to him.

“Thank you.” 

“For what?” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“For your innocence…” It comes out as a whisper.

“What… I mean what innocence… you think I was still a virgin… come on how old do you think I am…I wasn’t a virgin.” He laughs. Bloody idiot.

“You cute you know that. But thank you.”

“I should get going…” I say sliding off the bed and running to his bathroom. I hope there wasn’t any blood stains that I left on his sheet that would be embarrassing right imagine losing your virginity to a married man he must think I’m those women who are easy and easily accessible.

There’s a knock.

“Are you ever going to come out from there…”

Dammit I’ve been in here for a such a long time.

“I’ll be right out…” I scream to him.

“Make it snappy please I need to go to work.” He says. 

I roll my eyes and step out from the bath wrapping myself with his towel. I will be smelling like a man today… like him. Cindy is going to eat me alive today I swear.

I find my clothes neatly put on top of the bed but my panties are no where to be seen. I know I wasn’t wearing a bra yesterday that I remember but where the hell are my panties. I’ve looked under the bed inside his drawers everywhere but I cant find them. I walk to his wash basket and my eyes lands on the bloody stain on his sheet. I can smell him. His here.

“Don’t worry about it. I will have it cleaned.” He says behind me. When I turn he is already suited up and ready to take over the world unlike me who still has a towel wrapped around my body with no job and no life. I clear my throat before my mouth runs. When it starts it never stops sometimes it gets me into trouble because I can speak without thinking. I need to ask where my panties are in a nice way though.

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