Nokukhanya (Chapter 19)

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Chapter 19

●Langa Gumede

Things are different now. While I was on top of her and enjoying being intimate as I have always wished, my wife gave birth to my son. I don’t regret what happened between me and her, but I do feel guilty because I did promise Fikile that I was going to be present during the birth of our baby and I wasn’t there. So, this means that I missed both of my children’s birth. My mother has been on case regarding this, she threw a fit the following day because Fikile decided to name my son, King Gumede without my knowledge, she named him, King. 

My son’s name is King and there is nothing I can do about it now until I think with a straight head right now my head is full of Nokukhanya. When I asked her why she did what she did her damn excuse was that I wasn’t there, and she was high on medication, so basically, I cannot even blame her because I kept on reassuring her that I was going to be there, and I wasn’t. 

“I thought you had strong genes. He surely doesn’t look like you and both your girls are your photocopy I have seen Princess’s baby photos and she is you. This one angazi, ufana nobani vele?” 

“What do you mean?” I ask my brother who just budged in here disturbing my peace. Finding me looking at the photo of my boy that I had framed for my office. After that free movie that me and my baby mama had I just had to get away and to think. I’m not sure why I couldn’t answer her that I still want her in my life. That I still want to marry her and that my heart beats for her.

“This one doesn’t look like any of us, that’s what I mean.” I frown.

“He does look like me, angazi ukhuluma ngani. I asked Nokukhanya to marry me before I slept with her, and I couldn’t answer her today when she asked me if the offer still stands.”


“Yeah.” I still can’t believe that I had the gut to ask her to be my wife and right now I feel so trapped in this marriage with Fikile because of my son. If it was up to me, I would take both my children and marry Nokukhanya.

“You are so unbelievable seriously. You are married Bro, and you are not a polygamist. Why do you keep doing this to uNokukhanya? She doesn’t deserve this from you she has been through a lot and wena you just want to confuse her.”

“I know, I know okay. I don’t know what I was thinking.” I never think when I’m with her.

“You better fix this Langa. I am not about to lose my princess and her mother because of your selfishness. No wonder she was screaming at you, you can be a piece of shit sometimes.”


“Aai suka man! You are a piece of shit! And I’m telling mom.” He screams at me before he slams the door so hard, and it is just luck that is did not shatter like the one my angel broke.

What the hell!

I have never seen my brother this angry before and when did he become Nokukhanya’s fan, I thought he didn’t like her since the time she woke up at my house. I pick up my keys and make my way out of my office and go home.




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