Nokukhanya (Chapter 15)

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●Langa Gumede 

I always knew that my daughter’s mother was stubborn and very hard-headed also but not to this point. After that lunch we had and that bomb I dropped on her she has been avoiding me. I even went as far as permanently moving this side without my ‘wife’s’ approval of course and taking over the company just to be close to her and our daughter but she resigned the minute I walked in here. She upped and left the company immediately without following any correct procedures.
I have been trying to talk to her but she blocked me in every communication platform and that sucks. So she left me no choice but to go the legal route. That’s why I’m here now with my lawyer who is going to help me get full custody of my daughter. I just hope it won’t go that far without us getting to an understanding or some sort of agreement.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, please proceed and I want this to be delivered to her by end of business today,” I tell him.

I watch as he walks out of my office leaving me with my thoughts. 

All my life I always thought I had it all you know the family and always got things my way till I met her. I cannot seem to get to her everything I think that I’m there then the wall is back on. There is no doubt that she is driving me crazy and what’s worse is that I cannot do anything about it since I’m married and my wife is due any minute from now to give birth. I pray to God that going through all of this she will come to play and meet me halfway before the matter can even go any further.

My brother walks in looking like shit. He went out last night and came back this morning I was so tired to even ask him or say anything to him.

“Good morning.” He says.

“Morning. Did you finish that report I ask you to do?”

“What report?”

“For all the properties Lindokuhle,” I say annoyed. He has time to party till he can’t even know who the hell he is but he cannot do a simple thing that I ask him to do.

“Oh, that one? I’ve sent it to you yesterday morning.” He says unbothered.

“What do you mean you have sent it to me izolo Linda? I did not get anything from you. How did you send it?”

“I have sent it to your email Langa, and on the same email I told you I was going out so this attitude you giving me angazi ibuyaphi, I’m old and I can do whatever I want and whenever I want. I think it’s time I moved out and got my own place.”


“Yes! I will start looking for a place then I’m moving out.” He says getting up and ready to exit my office. So he is old yet he cannot even give a chance to give my two cents on this.

“I applied for full custody for my daughter,” I tell him as he is about to bang my office door.

“Why would you do that to table girl.”

“Because she is not meeting me halfway. I have missed two years of my daughter’s life and I am not planning on missing any more time with her.”

“Langa have you thought what will this do to her? Have you thought about how this will break her? I won’t even be shocked should she decide to run away from you. Heck, I will even help her run away from you.”

“Lindokuhle!” I knew he was her cheerleader but not like this.

What is this?

“Haai Langa seriously I will. What did you think will happen if you tell her you to want Nonjabulo to use our surname just like that without sitting her down and putting everything on the table for her? First of all, you guys never dated but I know how you feel about her and now you are married to that woman and have another kid on the way but what about her? How will all of this work out for her? You know how your family is. Nonjabulo cannot just take your name without you doing all the rituals for her and you can only bring someone that you are involved with ekhaya. So tell me how are going to go about with all of this.”

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