Nokukhanya (Chapter 22)

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Chapter 22

●Nokukhanya Ngwenya

Wena, if something happens to her, you will regret it, I’m telling you.” 

These words have been in my head, running around and fucking me up since that day they came out from his mouth. Langa, pointed his long finger at me as tears streamed down his beautiful face and said that to me as if I meant noting to him. he seethed and walked away after threatening me. That was four days ago, and my baby is still in hospital. I have spoken to anyone since that day, I can’t eat or function. I practically move in here. I don’t know what I will do if something happens to her.

“Miss Ngwenya, do you need something to eat.” I turn to look at the nurse as she asks me if I need something, I mean how can I eat while my little baby is there sleeping and not moving and eating through pipes.

“No thank you.”

“Are you sure?” I nod and turn my gaze back to my daughter again. 

This one time that I decided to go out and let loose something like this happens, this one time that I thought I was going to forget about everything that was happening in my life and my daughter gets sick. I wasn’t even reachable, no wonder he called me bad mother. 

‘Where have you been? What kind of a mother are you leaving my daughter and going out?’ 
‘Wena, if something happens to her, you will regret it, I’m telling you!’

All the things he said to me, his words are still stuck in my head. If I am not worrying about Nonjabulo, his words come back to haunt me. Not being in control is driving me crazy. I’ve switched off my phone because that video that was posted is trending and everyone wants to be my friend, I’m being tagged and mentioned all over the word, ukuthi where they found my details I wouldn’t know, but that is a stress for another day.

Langa, has been coming to see his her everyday too, but whenever he comes by, I go and hide, I don’t want to see him, the look he gave me that day is a look I would never forget. He hates me. and I understand that he wants nothing to do with me and I don’t blame him, so I am staying away.

The door opens and I don’t bother to look who it is because I know its not him. my parents have been coming here to check on me. Sam even bought me clean clothes, but I haven’t gotten the chance or rather the strength to take a shower. I’m still wearing my short white dress, every morning I have been brushing my teeth and wiping the other parts that would embarrass a woman. I look and feel like a zombie, I don’t the strength to even breath when my daughter is lying here looking so lifeless.

“Are you ready.” He says the moment he walks in.

This one is something else I tell you, after his brother walked out, I lashed out on him. I blamed him for taking me out. I blamed him for forcing me to go out with him, I told him if it wasn’t for him my daughter wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have been insulted by his brother, but he took it and understood that I needed someone to blame too. 

“Ready for what?”

“To go to court?” He responds, clearly confused by my face.

“It’s today?” I ask getting up. I think I am going to faint.

“Yes, in an hour. We need to go now.” He walks out again.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, woza or we going to be late.”

“Lindokuhle, I can’t leave her alone. I know your brother is angry, but he won’t take her away from me.” I say following him and stopping just right out of the door. This is furthest I have walked since I admitted myself too.

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