Nokukhanya (Chapter 14)

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Chapter 14

●Nokukhanya Ngwenya 

‘This is not over’ He said before I shut the door on his face and I’m not sure if maybe he thought I was going to get scared or may shake in my booths but whatever was going on through his mind at that time was definitely off. My name is Nokukhanya Ngwenya and what I’ve been through these past years had made me the strongest woman, I haven’t shed tears in three years the last time I cried was at my Nana’s funeral. I didn’t even cry during the birth of my daughter.

I woke up today feeling down I’m not sure what is happening with me but everything irritates me. Even this lady I’m sitting next to is very annoying busy typing furiously on her phone. She looks good for a pregnant lady. I bet she is carrying 10 babies in there and busy cursing her boyfriend out for not being here with her. My subconscious says sipping her margarita sitting under a big umbrella with black shades on. I chuckle and I earn a stare from her. Damn this bitch always getting me into trouble.

“Is there a problem?” She asks and I stop pushing my baby’s stroller with my foot and look at her. She was also restless last night and right now she is sleeping so peacefully and I’m just praying that today it’s her normal check-up without the injection.

“I asked if there was a problem.” OH, I forgot about her.

“Uhm no.”

“You sure?” I nod and continue with my task and ignore her when she clicks her tongue on me given at any day I would gave her a piece of my mind mara, not today and especially with my daughter here and also her 10 babies. As mothers, we should always respect our young ones.

Sometimes you just have to ignore the situation to have peace of mind and avoid drama at all costs. Yho! Imagine if you had told her what was exactly was in our mind, this office would have been the host of the next big wrestling match there has ever been. My bitch friend says and for the first time ever since she moved in my head without a lease agreement between us I have to agree with her. People will amaze you straight I’m telling you, she wanted me to react so she can take whatever was eating her soul on me. It’s not my problem that she is having a bad day and fighting with her man. I’m also sitting here with problems and fighting with my baby daddy. Speaking of that one I wanted to invite him here to come with us but I decided against it after that scene he threw in front of his mother yesterday for a grown man that was very childish even for me. I’m brought back when the receptionist calls in a ‘Mrs Gumede’ and the grumpy pregnant mother of ten stands up.


She is married.

She’s a Gumede, Khanyo! 

“But she wasn’t wearing any ring,” I ask myself out loud and the ever-so-friendly lady asks me if I need anything. She is always smiling and I wonder if she ever gets angry you know, if people ever get to her causing her to lose her mind. People do that you know. They make you question your sanity then you start behaving like them and act crazy.



What if she is your baby daddy’s wife!

I freeze.


I can’t be. She looks too good for him. She can’t be.
They called her Mrs. Gumede. She says and I ignore her and lock her at the back of my mind. I don’t need her negativity right now I mean he wasn’t wearing any ring also and besides, he came with his mother yesterday to see my baby. If he was married he wouldn’t have brought her there…right.


“Miss Ngwenya, Doctor Pillay will see you now you can go in.” I push my baby’s expensive stroller you know those HotMom strollers that cost thousands of rands, yes that one. Maybe that’s why she was being mean to me because of this. I didn’t even buy it myself! It was a gift from her grandparents. I would never do that to myself and dent my bank balance by buying these expensive things. 

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