"I.....who is he?"

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I wake up and look around realizing i was in another memory.

But i don't see Y any where tho.

I start walking and hear alarms going off i soon pick up my pace, now jogging.

Turning the corner i see little me turned another and this time i run after him.

Now turning the corner i see little me looking at what looked like cells with different kids in it.

I look at him more closely and see he's looking for a way to open the doors until he finds a control panel.

Him and I look at it and see it needs a tier classed 3 card.

"Hey you! Project x come here!"

Me and little me turn our heads and see one of the guards coming towards little me.

Little me thinking quickly twist his body and roundhouse kicks the control of the cell doors and a few seconds later it showed an 'ERROR' screen before the cell doors opened.

The guard stood there and frantically looked around backing up before he got attacked by the kids using there deadly abilities on him.

I hear the guards scream but i pay him no mind.

On of the kids even tried to attack little me but little me responded with a duck under and a left hook to his stomach and a kick to his chin knocking him out.

I then see little me run off and i follow him.

While running i looked around and see the once white walls were now red and it made it more red with the blasting sound of the red saris and orange fire.

I also see doors broken in walls destroyed the guards body on the floor and i see one on the ceiling with his stomach cut open.

I also hear screams and explosions going off behind us and around us.

We suddenly stop and see alot of guards in our way.

"Project x come with us! If not willingly then we will make come with us by force!"

I look over at me and see him staring at the guards.

I then look back at the guards and see them shaking before little me suddenly rushed at them.

He used his suddenly action and kick one in the face before snapping another guards neck

"Forget this use lethal weapons!"

They pull out real guns and point there AK's at little me.

They start to fire but like little me saw where the bullets where gonna hit he dogged every single one.

He back flip over a around of bullets before rush a guard and kicked the side of his knee. He didn't even have time to scream before little me grabbed his AK and smashed it on top of his head and throw the gun at another guard and dropped kick another one.

I look back and see more guards and see one pull out a grenade and pull out the pin before throwing it at me.

Little me catches it and looks at it

...and throws it back to them.

Obviously the guards were killed from the explosion and little me was about to leave when he dogged an attack amid at his face.

It was a kid who had a pissed off look and threw a kick at me but little me dogged it and grabbed the 10 year old boy and slammed him down on the ground.

(Cold) K/DA x Male Reader (DESCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now