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Jay woke up the next morning to a splash of water on his face.

He look up and saw an old man staring at him.

"Leave here boy, I didnt pay for this space for you to sleep for free! Leave quick! Stupid kids . .  they never know the value of every money"

The poor clueless boy was literally dragged and thrown away in the middle of a busy road where he is almost hit by a truck.

Jay remembered every face of every person who hurt him. He wants to see if what Hena told him about punishments are true.

He walked and reached a place where he saw delicious baked bread displayed on the window. But before he could even step close to the glass window, a woman immediately came out and splashed a basin of boiling water at the poor boy. Luckily, Jay backed out.

"Don't dare come near here! You're bringing bad luck!"

He ran away as he hid behind a tree again. He's trembling in fear at the amounts of times he was shouted at and the amounts of times he's almost harmed.

"What did I do wrong?"

Jay asked in the air as he cried, again for the hundredth time.

His stomach begin to grumble when he saw a woman selling some food he is not familiar with.

"Hi . . may you give me food? I am so hungry"

The woman smiled making Jay think he will have a good meal, finally.

"Ok . . do you have any money? I can't give you if you don't have any"

Jay was clueless. Hena never really told him the value of money as he is not interested in the boring colors and prints on a rectangular piece of paper. He prefers those huge papers that he can draw colorful colors on.

"I have no money . . but I am so hungry . . I have been a good boy"

The woman immediately got mad.

"Then shoo!! If you don't have money don't come near here! And I don't care if you're a good boy. I will only care about you if you give me money! Shoo!"

Jay sadly walked away as he again questioned the wind.

"I did nothing bad to her but why did she treat me like I did something bad? .   . and is money really important than being nice?"

His mind is slowly filling up with informations about the huge world that is so different from his. Everything that Hena told him is so not what he is seeing.

It is not true that money is not everything. Because he found out that you have to have money to survive.

It is not true that treating others good will make them treat you good. Because in doing so, you're only getting yelled at.

It is not true that there are good people to good people. Because good people only are good to people who give them money.

It is also not true that bad people are punished, they are not. Because after Jay was kicked towards the middle of the road, he was the one who was smacked by the police officer.

Faces after faces was glued in his head and he can never forget them.

Night came without any food in his system. He was waiting behind a trash can for any food thrown by people who don't care.

A boy his age threw a candy wrapper when he saw him. Jay thought he will scream and hit him but the child smiled instead.

Jay was fascinated. Never did he expect someone to give him a genuine smile.

The Value of Tears (En- JayWon) ✔Where stories live. Discover now