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Jungwon was happily munching on the carrot as he took a spoonful of the curry soup. I just sat there as I watched him with my mind in total mess right now.

I just smiled? It felt so foreign and I felt like the wall I put up for myself all these years have been totally penetrated by this carrot-loving mermaid in front of me. All those years that I made myself totally emotionless that I don't care if I am hurting someone and I don't wanna involve myself on something that doesn't involve the most important thing in the world. All those years were broken by just a few days with Jungwon.

I still don't know how he did that but whatever he's doing, I am not liking the effect on me. I can't let my wall down or I will be trampled again. However, I have to put up with whatever he's doing for me to be able to continue my business with his tears.

"Ah ..  Jay, should I call you hyung?"

"Why? Are you sure you're younger than me?"

"Yeah . . . how old are you?"

"I'll be 22 soon"

"Eh? How come you're already able to run your company?"

"I'm smart that's why. How old are you?"

"I'm 18. . ."

"Do you want to call me hyung?"

"Yeah . . I mean, you're older than me and I don't want to be disrespectful"

"ok. . ."

"By the way, are you calling me Carrots because you really can't recall my name?"

Why does he sound so hurt anyway? Does he not like his nickname or he just. . wait, does he think I really forgot his name?

"Of course I know your name Jungwon . . . Carrots is a nickname I made for you. Don't let anyone call you that, it is a special name from me ok?"

"Oh . . I see . . can I make you a nickname too?"

"Try it"

He began to think but after a few moments, he just shook his head and look down.

"Jay hyung is alright . . ."

"Finish your meal, . . let's rest, remember we're going somewhere tomorrow"

"Ok . . .  But why aren't you eating? . ."

"I'm full . .---"

"You barely had anything. . come on, eat the chicken . ."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Why don't you want to? Should I not eat too?"

"No of course you can continue eating. . "

"Join me"

He took my spoon from my empty plate and took a spoonful of the curry soup with some carrots and potatoes before placing it in front of my face.

"Eat up. . your cooking is good so it would be a waste if you don't eat some more"

I ate the spoonful before placing more on my plate. I also took some tteokboki while he watched me with a huge grin on his face. He also began to   eat more. He has a big appetite and it felt so nice on my part. He is eating very well and it is fun to watch him.

Someone give me an oxygen because watching him stuff his cheeks with food makes my heart almost pop out of place.

After we are full, the food is almost out and I noticed how Jungwon pouted as he look at the bowl in front of us.

The Value of Tears (En- JayWon) ✔Where stories live. Discover now