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Jay grew up as Park Jay, just as his adoptive father's surname. He grew up well but not at the same time. He was very selfish.

He was taught that yourself is the most important element of survival. He grew up believing that as the world showed him that. Every time he tried to care for others, he will just be taken advantaged of. Every time he will do good for others, they will not even care for him next time. They will just take and go. Jay saw no benefit from that.

He was taught that money rules and the more money you have, the more chance of you to be happy, contented, and survive. He saw that the moment the orphanage burnt down.

He grew up not believing in the thing called "LOVE". He still remembered how Hena always told him that Love is the most powerful element that conquers all. Love is above everything. Jay didn't see this. Love does not exist without anything in return. No one will love you if you don't give something in return.

Even though Hena lied to him, Jay still manage to keep the letter, the secret in his safe.

Even if he's already 18, he didn't open it. He still feel cheated by Hena as all things she taught him are fraud. He now don't want to open the envelope as he thinks that those are another bunch of lies again.

Currently, Jay is in college and guess what, he is very intelligent. He is the person to not settle on a basic learning. He thrive to learn more until he wants to. He never wants others to go over him as he always want to be the top.

He was laying on his bed as he scrolled through his phone and laughing at his classmate's whining on their group chats. He thinks that sharing your sadness and frustrations are a waste of time. Why not just work on your problems instead of sharing?

He just sighed and left his bed.

He went to his walk in closet and opened his safe vault. In it was the envelope and the bracelet the boy from 13 years ago gave him. The necklace from Hena is also there.

A smirk went to his lips as he changed his clothes and decided to take a stroll.

He took his car keys from beside his bedroom door when he spotted the now old tumbler above his study table. He carefully placed it inside a glass case that was placed on the shelves with his other books and notebooks.

Even if he never meet him again, he still values those times.

He walk out his room and into the room.

"Going somewhere son?"

"Yeah . . just a stroll. Maybe an idea for a new product will pop out"

He drove one of his fancy cars to a bakery.

He entered the place that is now empty with no costumer in sight. He remembered this place. This is full with people 13 years ago and this is where a woman threw boiling water at him. Now, he's just laughing on the inside as the place is now close.

It was overshadowed by a newer and better bakery/cafe in front of it.

Guess what, he just bought this place.

He saw his men take out every furniture and appliances outside. Then the woman from 13 years ago showed up with tears on her eyes as she watched the bakery slowly disappear.

He wanted to rub it in on her face that he is now above her, so he did.

"Too bad for you . . if you didn't throw boiling water at that kid from years ago, you might still have your job"

The woman was confused but Jay just laughed.

"Please. . Help me . . I don't know where else to go. Please let me at least work here"

The Value of Tears (En- JayWon) ✔Where stories live. Discover now