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I don't know why I am uneasy when I wake up with an empty side of the bed. The last time this happens, I saw Jay hyung being so scary. Why is he always leaving my side now? Before, he's always close to me till morning.

Because I cannot really fall asleep, I stepped out of the room and passed by Jay hyung's office where I saw the lights on through the gaps between the door and the floor, maybe Jay hyung has work to do with Sunghoon and Heeseung again. I ignored my urge to enter the room and went to the kitchen instead. I drank some water and when I saw the pool outside, I am tempted to get into the water and swim. But the water would be so cold and I might get sick.

But Jay hyung said before that the pool can be warm with the power of the heater.

I went to the pool and dip my foot into the water. I am actually still curious on what Jay hyung is doing in his office but I am also trying to distract myself from thinking about him because he might not like me snooping around.

Just then, I felt an arm around me and something was over my nose and it smells nasty making me feel dizzy. I remember Jay hyung telling me that his enemies wanted me to get him so this might be one.

I tried to fight back and I pushed us into the pool but because I am still dizzy, I cannot call Jay hyung and there are more of them who wanted to get me.

I remembered the ring Jay hyung gave me with a button for emergency so I just pressed it and it did nothing and I am already getting dizzy. I tried to swim away but they hold me underwater and maybe because I don't react, they thought I am now out so they pull me out the water.

Just then, I felt them carrying me before everything turns black.


I open my eyes and I am in an unfamiliar room and I am tied, again. This time, I feel scared because I know they're not like Jay hyung. Maybe at first when he tied me, I felt scared but I also feel like he will not hurt me so bad and now, these people, I am scared but I must not cry. Jay hyung said tears will only make the enemy feel stronger. I can't give them what they want, my fear. No way. My precious tears are only meant for people who are worth it, Jay hyung and my friends.

The door opened and I internally pat myself on the back for guessing it is none other than the meanie man who always say he's rich on TV. He's also I think Sunghoon hyung's dad. He doesn't look like Sunghoon hyung at all. I mean, not that he's ugly or something.

"Fancy seeing you here Jungwon"

Well I don't fancy you.

"I wonder what Jay is doing and thinking now that I have the king card. . can he win me now tho? He will have no choice but to say yes to everything I say or else your pretty face won't be seen anymore by him"

At this moment, I got curious, what is Jay hyung doing now? What is he thinking?

"I don't blame him now for being whipped for you. . . you are indeed a beautiful creature. . I never thought the mighty Jay will really be in love. Jay and love don't sound well together in a sentence"

He's not right. Jay hyung is someone who is so caring and loveable and he makes me happy so as the people around him. Even if he has a serious look all the time, he is very sweet and has a big heart.

"I see you're not a talker . . I'll let you watch a movie then"

He puts something in the TV and I saw Jay hyung in it. He's on TV?

However, my eyes widen in horror when I saw him kicking a man aside as the said man just cried with all his bags on the side of the road.

"Sir Jay, I promise, I didn't do anything to betray you . "

The Value of Tears (En- JayWon) ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن