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Jungwon is now asleep and I let out a huge sigh of relief.

Since when is he introduced to this type of stuff? I mean, I am literally taken aback the moment he began to ask about taking off clothes. Thank goodness, years of self control training has done its job.

I opened my phone to see a text and I want to be mad when I saw my dad's number on display. I don't know why he hid the truth from me and why is he not planning to tell me everything. He wants to talk to me tho, why?

I slowly pull away from Jungwon but I was shocked when his eyes immediately shot open and he held me down with a firm grasp.

"No . . "

"Carrots, dad wants to talk to me"


His hold is firmer and his lips are trembling as his eyes slowly water making me immediately held him close with his head on my chest as I slowly rub his back.

"Ok, sleep, I'm not going anywhere"


"I promise, I will text dad now. ."

On second thought, where is dad now? Does he know we almost got killed by Sooho? Does he know that no one is home at the moment? Does he know that I already know the truth about my real family?

More importantly, do people know that we're attacked and were basically almost killed today? Or did Sooho work so clean that not even a soul know what he did? Are the men I shot still alive? Or did I really kill someone? I sure hope not.

After telling dad through a recorded message that I am not home and that I will talk to him soon but not now, I place my phone on the side of the table and was about to drift back to sleep when my phone rang.

I am expecting to see dad's name on the screen but I got curious when I saw Sunoo's number.

Why is he suddenly calling me? Did something happen?

"Sunoo? What's wrong?"

"I know I shouldn't be calling you at this hour but I cannot let this night past without telling you something. . . "

"What is it?"

My sudden movement made Jungwon stir in his sleep so I immediately rub his back softly making him go back to his slumber.

"Well, uhm . . you know how Jungwon and I are mermen right?"

"Yeah . . what about it?"

"Well, what we didn't tell you is that, we're royalty. Our ancestors ruled one part of the ocean for generations and Jungwon and I are princes. Our kingdom is powerful and rich that a lot of other kingdoms envy us. . . one night, three kingdoms came together and attacked us . . . we're not ready and they're strong. . . . Jungwon and I were saved and we fled but because of the intensity of the war underwater, the waves are too powerful that we parted ways. . . but there's more.

Our kingdom is actually attacked not for the power or whatsoever, it is because kingdoms under the sea are after Jungwon. .  you see, Jungwon is no ordinary merman. Apart from his healing power, he's the only merman in our kingdom that is born with the power that can only be bestowed on a merperson in every century. . .

I still dont know a lot about that but I do know that the merman or mermaid who possess that power can literally rule the whole ocean and no one can control them. . . for the past years that this power was given, the whole ocean is either in chaos or in the best order possible. .

The Value of Tears (En- JayWon) ✔Where stories live. Discover now