XXIII pt. 3

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I entered my room as Heeseung slept in one of our guest rooms and Sunghoon is still unconscious giving me time to walk around my room and think of possibilities. Variables after variables entered my mind and nothing is clear to me but the possibility of Sooho killing his own brother.

If Sunghoon is not his son, then who could be his son?

Also, I have never seen his wife since the last time I saw them in that restaurant. She could know something related to her husband.

But what if she was also eliminated from her husband's life?

I am about to sit down when my phone rang again and this time, I seem to have a ray of hope when I saw Jake on the other line. And then I remembered that I asked him to talk to me.

"Sir Jay?"

"Come to my house, it's something about Sunghoon"

The line immediately went dead and I walked out to wait for him. Not even ten minutes later, I saw him step out a taxi and literally ran into the gates and of course the guards didn't let him in. I pressed the button and tell him that I called him in so he entered immediately. I met him in the living room and he's really on the edge of breaking down.

"Follow me"

We walked towards the guest room and the moment I opened the door, he ran inside and fall on his knees beside the bed Sunghoon is laying with his eyes pouring tears after tears.

I guess I can now understand a little of what is the real feeling of caring and loving someone this much that you can literally loose yourself when they're hurt. Thanks to Jungwon, I can now relate to them.

"His dad tried to kill him but he managed to dodge the bullet and ran away. He's fine now, we'll just wait for him to wake up"

"Thank you so much"

I'm in shock when he hugged me continuously thanking me for saving Sunghoon's life. It feels different. I felt a sense of satisfaction and a different feeling of happiness when he thanked me. I feel like I accomplished a lot.

Is this what it feels to do good for others?

Normally, I would just leave Sunghoon in those bushes because he doesn't concern my success but what I did makes me think that I might have a slight chance to step into the light. It feels weird tho.

"You're welcome. Now look after him. I have a few business to go back to"

In the middle of my thinking, I dialed a number I think can really help me.

"Jay, long time no see my man"

"I have a work for you. I'll send you the details and I needed answers ASAP"

"How much are we talking about?"

"Name your price I don't care. I just need answers. Please be discreet and you don't know me"

"Sure sure. . . I'll see what I can do. Never mind that money I have my own. I'm just kidding"

That was my private "not legal" Investigator. Normally those people are licensed to operate and he's not. Because just like me, we don't really always play with the laws in mind.

He's my mentor. The reason I am also kinda a tech nerd and the reason I know a lot to survive in the illegal way. In short, he's the one who made me this person alongside my dad.

I can trust him but the thing about him is that he lives in total shambles. He don't want my money when I offered him some. I offered him a job in the company but he declined. He wanted to be more hidden and he wanted to be like a ghost. Every time I visit him, he made me wear disguises.

The Value of Tears (En- JayWon) ✔Where stories live. Discover now