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I am happily skipping around our room as I get dressed and also my dog is getting a makeover. Why? Well, we will have a quadruple date in a private resort that is a new business Jay hyung and Sunghoon hyung thought of. The resort just finished with  everything and is now open for business but before that, Jay hyung said we should have it tested first so now, we're going on a trip.

You remember the abandoned building where we all had the final battle?

Jay hyung bought the whole property and renovated it making it a beautiful resort. I still don't know why no one has thought about it considering the fact that it is close to a pretty looking sea is already a good capital to start. Jay hyung is smart when he thought of that.

It is quite unusual for me tho because his and Sunghoon hyung's business is about fashion and accessories. For them to think of this resort is quite new to me but when they built a small store or a mini mall beside it, I understood now. The store outside the resort sells all of their products combined. Guests and passerby's can access it and it a nice idea to boost up their sales.

I'm also happy because you remember those people who did bad things to Jay hyung before? Well they reconciled! And Jay hyung even opened up jobs for all of them. He built a mini mall, a restaurant, a burger stand and a bakery inside his resort.

It actually costs so much money and I worry that he might go bankrupt but then, surprisingly, he and Sunghoon hyung worked together for that.

The thing is, after Sunghoon hyung built a new reputation for the company and changed its name to SJ Fashions, many investors and big business personnels invested in his business and not even a few months later, the company is back in its glory offering quality products and a bonus of a good looking CEO.

For Jay hyung, he managed to snatch the biggest names in the jewelry industry. He was partners with a big mining company, he is partners with the biggest designs company, and most of all, he doesn't have to worry about his products to be known because he is partners with an entertainment company that housed the most popular stars in the country and all around the world.

They have a lot and as for me, hehe I was so good at my work in the aquarium that they made me the manager. Imagine that? I mean, I admit, I kinda cheated on that one because I have superpowers with the sea and its creatures but get this, the company I work with opened another branch of their aquarium and Jay told me to invest in that because that is a good business so I did and guess what happened, I own shares. I don't get it tho but somehow, I have a lot of money. And because I do have money, I told Jay hyung to expand their resort  and so he did, and because of that, his resort is so huge that it is a mini city.

Although there are properties and houses that were affected because of this project, we made sure that they won't be heavily burdened. So after the people sold their properties to us for the expansion, we helped them to find a new place for them. Fortunately tho, majority of the people are already planning to move to another city.

Heeseung hyung is still in school and he's close to graduating. Yeah, time flies so fast because he's already in a relationship with Erin, Jay hyung's new secretary, and Heeseung hyung's ultimate crush. She's a cool person to be with. Although she will be the only female among our group but she's cool because she doesn't seem to care.

Once Heeseung hyung become a police officer, I bet he can recommend us some excellent security guards.

Jake hyung and Riki continued their modeling career and guess what, they've been snitching projects after projects because guess what again, from highly paid models, they became the most sought out artists. Jake hyung in dramas and Riki in performing arts. Who knew Riki is such an amazing dancer? Not only is he a dancer but also a choreographer.

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