Chapter XI : Responsibilities

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Barcelona, ​​1898.

In Cuevas-Blancas, Don Rodrigo worked tirelessly, with his children and his workers, following the rupture of a dam on his land. Preserving water supplies was a priority in this arid region. All the hands of the domain were mobilized to ensure the reconstruction of the dike which had given way. At the same time a messenger arrived with some not very reassuring news. The Campos family were asking for help. Rodrigo unable to move, he sent his son who was about to turn eighteen. He was effectively helping her rebuild the dike, but he could certainly help her grandfather. The young man immediately went to Barcelona to the Campos del Azul y Riera. Diego didn't see his grandparents much since they came less to Cuevas-Blancas. This trip, and the fact that his father had thought of him for this assistance, filled him with pride.

He rode on horseback and arrived in town at the end of the day. His grandfather's travel trunk factory had lost its factory manager due to serious illness.

Don Campos being too old to take over the management of the factory, he asked Diego if he would take charge of recruiting a new employee and if gradually taking over the management of the company interested him.

— Of course, Gran-Padre, I'm interested. I am still young but I feel capable of it. However, I cannot fully cope with this task at this time. For that I should move to Barcelona and stop helping my father on the estate. He has been training me since I was a child so that I can replace him at the head of the farm and I cannot let him down.

— I understand, Diego, you are an exemplary son and grandson. So I'll just ask you, for now, to find me a replacement to run the manufacturing. Can you take care of this for me?

— I will, Gran-Padre, tell me what qualities you look for in this person and what their salary will be so that I can tackle them.

For a young man his age, life in the city was more than tempting and Diego could hardly resist his grandfather's offer. However, he could only stay for a short time in Barcelona as he had promised to join his father to help him with his reconstruction. He immediately began to meet with his grandparents' connections to inform them of his research. This network of acquaintances proved their worth and, quite quickly, two trusted people were introduced to him. Both corresponded perfectly to what the function required. His preference fell on a man in his thirties who had less experience than the second, but who seemed more motivated. He seemed quite capable of leading the manufacturing and bringing modernity to the factory.

The man was introduced to Don Campos del Azul y Riera and was hired the next day with a probationary period and a respectable salary.

Diego had managed to convince the former manager, despite his state of health, to train the new leader for two weeks.

His work being finished, he decided to leave the next day unless his grandfather detained him because he asked to see him.

— Diego, he began, you have done your job remarkably well. I am very proud of you. If you change your mind, know that this factory can give you a good income and that I would like you to take it over.

— Thanks, Gran-Padre, I'll think about it. I will come back regularly to look after your interests if you wish. Unfortunately, I will only make brief passages because, for the moment, I cannot yet get away from the house. Madre worries me and Padre seems to still be having a lot of worries. I must stay to help them. It is also the duty of children, when they grow up, to take care of their parents. I am the only one, for the moment, to see the problems. Salvador does not seem to be aware of it and he spends his time every week with new conquests.

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