Chapter XXVIII : Installation

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The next day, Isabel asked Diego to assign her a horse, as her father had planned. She wanted to be able to be independent and, as she loved to ride it was unexpected for her.

He chooses a six-year-old gray mare for her. Pure Spanish, she had an elegant way of moving, she seemed to dance. She was young but not fearful at all and, as soon as she saw her, Isabel adored her. Her name was Loupa and she had the perfect size for Isabel who was not very tall.

Once changed, she went to the stables and Felipe, whom she had known since childhood, took out the mare and wanted to saddle her.

— No, Felipe, no! cried Isabel. You know, even though I am Diego's wife, I'm still the same and I can take care of it on my own. Don't make yourself serve me like the rest of the family, I love to take care of my horse and I will never ask you to think of me as a princess!

— But you are one now, since you married the prince, Felipe mocked her, laughing.

— Yes, and I have a dress set with diamonds and a tiara, call me Princess Isabel!

She liked to joke with Felipe. He was the same age as Carlina and had always been in charge of the stables, the horses, and the carriages. He let her harness Loupa while staying close to make sure the mare allowed herself to be prepared. She had just been bought and he didn't know much yet, neither her character nor her behavior. Everything went smoothly, Loupa was very interested in the apple that Isabel had in her pocket and of which she gave him a half, once it was harnessed.

Holding the mare by the reins, she took her out of the stable and asked her to walk quietly beside her. Loupa followed her without defending himself. She lowered the stirrups and, climbing on the ledge of a low wall, gently saddled up. Loupa didn't move until Isabel asked him to step forward.

— Well done my dear, you are really well educated despite your young age, she whispered to him.

Isabel spoke to the mare as if it were a person. She saw that Loupa was listening attentively because she had turned her ears in his direction. Softly, she called to him, lying down on her neck to move her hand towards her mouth. Loupa stopped and turned his head in the direction of the hand. She gently took the rest of the apple, neighed with pleasure, and tasted her reward.

Isabel had planned to leave for their future home. She walked around the stables and passed under the terrace of the hacienda. Elvira was there, partially obscured by a quenching pillar, glass in hand. When she saw Isabel approaching on horseback, she stepped forward and brutally threw all the contents of the glass over the railing, reaching Isabel and her mount.

Loupa was frightened, reared up and set off at a full gallop, the second that what looked like water fell on his head. Isabel looked up and saw a figure recede into the shadows.

The violence of the mare's reaction ends up unseating her. She fell heavily at the foot of the terrace as Loupa walked away towards the fields. Seized with unease, the young woman lost consciousness for a moment. When she came to her senses, Loupa was next to her, his nose to her face, as if trying to wake her up. She was able to get up, obviously without any breakage or injury, but she abandoned her plan to visit and brought Loupa back to the stable.

Isabel was furious. Elvira had deliberately watered them with the intention of causing an accident. For Isabel, it was too much. She promised herself to make him regret this treachery that very evening.

When she got home, she informed the maid that she wanted to have her meal in her room, loud enough for Elvira to hear her. She wanted to get Elvira to have dinner in the dining room, unlike her usual practice. Later, she quietly went to the pantry.

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