Chapter XXXIII : Supreme bliss

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Cuevas-Blancas, 1914.

The spring of 1914 arrived and Isabel was doing well despite her pretty round belly. This pregnancy had not caused her any concern. She hadn't been forced to stay in bed and she had always felt great. She was therefore able to prepare the baby's room and organize his next arrival.

The boys, who could each have had a room, had insisted on staying together. Finally, it was especially José-Luis who was afraid of the dark and whom the presence of his brother reassured!

Isabel gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, full term and in perfect health. She was called Marie, à la française but again, and although she adored the first name, it was a Catholic reference so as not to shock her in-laws.

— What a wonderful little doll. And that pretty smile! Carlina exclaimed, visibly charmed.

— She is also very wise and only cries when she is hungry or needs to be changed, explained Isabel. It changes me from the first two!

— I'm sure your dad will come to see her very soon. He's pretty busy, but he's getting impatient.

— I, too, can't wait to introduce her to her first baby girl.

— And how were the visits from your in-laws?

Isabel made a revealing pout.

— In a very formal way, in fact. My stepfather seemed conquered by this little piece of cabbage but he never stopped watching his wife. He even tried to prevent her from approaching the cradle.

— I think he wants to protect her, Carlina concludes. You know how devastating the loss of little Carmelita has been. I'm not sure she's gotten over it yet, or that she'll ever get over it.

— You summed up the problem perfectly. My daughter reminds him too much of his own and of his unfortunate fate. I understand that Don Rodrigo wants to avoid all contact. He is afraid of his reaction, of his jealousy perhaps. She hates me and maybe could take it out on Marie.

— Nothing can change his behavior now, believe me. I have been using it for years and have seen the profound change that took place when the child died. His mind has reached a place from which he will never return. It is irreversible.

— I too have suffered. The loss of Loretta has shaken me and yet I don't mean harm to the whole world! Isabel exclaimed, visibly angry.

— You took her son from her and you didn't bring a dowry, Carlina added. This classifies you as an unwanted person, therefore to be removed. Always be on your toes with that kind of deranged mind.

Gently stroking Marie's head, Isabel sighed. The danger was real, she had to stay vigilant.

To be able to be present at home, Diego paused. He gave all the necessary instructions to his employees, who were still working on the reclamation of the limestone galleries, and returned to benefit his family. He was going to work more, to meet the deadlines he had set for himself, but he needed to spend time with Isabel and the children. Marie enchanted him. He was a very smiling baby, who suckled very well right away, and allowed his parents to sleep through the nights quite quickly.

The mildness of spring allowed Isabel to take a walk outside with Marie. Diego having resumed his activities, they gave him a walking tour, one sunny day. Isabel had never seen these galleries, but she stayed near the entrance because it was dark and above all cold. What would be perfect for winemaking was not good for a newborn baby.

During the following months, Diego and his workers continued to transform the galleries into wine cellars. For her part, Isabel devoted herself entirely to her children. She was so happy that she had even temporarily given up on hiring a housekeeper.

It was summer, his physical form had returned along with the sweltering heat. She could no longer go for walks during the day with her children. The nap in the shade was compulsory in this weather.

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