Chapter XXXXI : Quite an invention

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Barcelona, ​​1915.

— Hello, hello, can you hear me?

Clicks were heard and the connection seemed to be established.

— Hello, Señor, am I at Don Campos?

— Yes, hello, Señor. You are here at the headquarters of the company "El especialista del equipaje" [1] which Señor Don Campos actually directs. I would be happy to help you. Is it for a commercial contact or do you wish to be put in touch with the residence of Señor Campos?

— Ah perfect, thank goodness! I was desperate to finally find the right address. This is a personal matter and I would indeed like you to pass me Don Campos, please. I have with me a man who says his name is Diego Campos and comes from Barcelona.

A wind of panic seized the young Marco. Although he was a brand-new employee, everyone in Don Campos' company knew about Diego's disappearance and the employee did not know how to handle the problem. Was it a hoax because Diego was not named Campos? He procrastinated for a moment and made the decision to warn the Campos family anyway.

— I'm going to ... Wait a minute, please, I'll take care of getting the information out and calling someone. Don't quit, especially don't quit.

Running out of the room, he rushed to the house and impatiently rang the doorbell. It was Carmen who opened the door. When she saw the young man's panic, she made him come in and sit down so that he came to his senses.

— There is a person who asks to speak to Don Campos. He said it was about Diego. It's on the phone. I asked to be patient but I don't know exactly what it is. I should have asked! Oh, I'm sorry, I should have asked for more clarification. If we disturb Don Campos, that he hopes and that in the end it is nothing.... What a fool I am!

— Don't worry, Marco, we'll take care of it, that's good news who knows? Don't move, I'm coming back.

Carmen thought that the best would be to ask Miguel to resume the communication and to ask questions so as not to give false hopes to Don Campos. He had a fragile heart and bad news, or even good news, could be dangerous for his condition.

She came back to Marco accompanied by Miguel and he followed the young employee to the phone.

After several minutes, Miguel returned from the factory, at a run, and even more excited than the previous interlocutor. He then explained the situation to Carmen.

— It is a monk who calls. He claims that he has a man in his monastery who has just woken up from a long sleep of several months. This man told him to be called Diego Campos and to come from Barcelona. The monk gave me an approximate description, height and age and he would seem to match Don Diego. It's a miracle!

Miguel couldn't stand still, but he was unsure of what to do next.

— Miguel, please calm down. It is not possible to inform Don Campos without knowing if this information is not a hoax. His heart couldn't take it. He is too old, too emotional since this disappearance which has shaken him so much, concludes Carmen.

She thought for a few minutes, her eyes fixed on the ground in front of her feet and finally offered him a plan.

— I think it is better to warn Isabel first and also Don Rodrigo. Can you get to the hacienda? I take the responsibility of keeping your absence and the news silent, for now. You must also ask all the employees of the factory to remain silent by explaining the situation to them until we know anything. You do not mind?

— Obviously, my beloved, you are right. It is better not to upset Don Campos without knowing. Don't you think we should let Ruiz know as well? He will be able to advise us and will certainly support us in this decision.

Ruiz confirmed to them that it was the right decision, and Miguel left as quickly as possible. It took him, however, more than three hours to get to the domain of Cuevas-Blancas.

It's a shame they don't have a phone! He said to himself on the way. It's a hell of a invention, all the same and it would have allowed us to avoid hiding the news. Finally, too bad, here I am almost arrived.

Miguel avoided the hacienda and went directly to Isabel to inform her of the call. Fortunately, he found her at home and, without taking the time to reunite, he broke the news to her bluntly and with all the details of the telephone call.

Devastated on the spot by the visit of her friend who brought her unexpected news, Isabel remained prostrate for a few moments, without reaction.

— Oh, I'm sorry, Isabel. In my excitement I knocked you out with this news, although it might be auspicious. A thousand pardons.

Diego's disappearance had destroyed her morally and physically as she continued to search for him relentlessly. The news that had just arrived surprised her in a state of extreme fatigue and although her heart leapt, her body did not follow. She stood up, wobbled, and sat down immediately. She had already made up her mind to go.

— No, no, you did well. But are we sure it's him? Yes, finally, it would be such a miracle! I am both ecstatic with joy and devoured by doubt. Anyway, we're going to go, that's obvious. Oh my God, what news! she exclaimed all trembling.

Analyzing the situation, she immediately made a reasonable decision.

— But I'm so exhausted that it wouldn't be appropriate for me to rush in and leave today. I have to think it over and also I have childcare and travel arrangements. I thank you for coming to warn me directly, my friend.

Miguel's face suddenly relaxed when he saw that Isabel had regained her composure.

— May I ask you to go tell Don Rodrigo the news and ask him to join me here?

— I'm going right now, Miguel agreed with a smile.

— You relieve me of a weight. We've been a bit cold for some time. I'll get you a room prepared and your things transferred. It is too late for you to come home this evening and I will be happy to welcome you after this long journey. I would also like you to give me news of Carmen and Barcelona.

Miguel quickly slipped away.

Don Rodrigo was flabbergasted but also happy and excited by the good news. He found it hard to accept spending another night without acting.

He began to think about the organization of the trip. Not knowing exactly where the monastery was, a map would come in handy. Borrow Don Campos' car and ask Miguel to drive them there too would be a good idea.

All of this required reflection because nothing could be done without talking to Don Campos. Preserving him from a possible hoax was almost impossible.

After much thought, Rodrigo concluded that informing Don Campos was essential.

Their route would therefore pass-through Barcelona again, before going to the monastery, in order to be able to announce the news to the old man in person and with great care.

[1] The luggage specialist

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