Chapter XXI : Back to domain

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Cuevas-Blancas, 1909.

The return to the estate was, for Isabel, like a return to her childhood life. Carlina was not his mother, but she behaved just like. His father was as gay as a chaffinch. He would come home early, and as soon as he arrived he was looking for Isabel to make sure she had had a good day. Nothing was too much trouble for her, which had not happened to her in many years.

She appreciated this avalanche of little touches, but that didn't take away the apprehension at the idea of ​​the revelation they would soon make to their parents.

Would Carlina have already sold the wick seeing us kiss each other in front of her?

Isabel didn't know. Here, she was protected, but she would have to face what she considered an impossible alliance and especially the fallout that would ensue on her and her family.

She knew Diego wouldn't give up on her no matter what they said or thought. But could she bear her family being involved in what would happen next, after the announcement of their intimacy? How could she protect them from the turmoil it would cause? Under no circumstances should Ernesto pay the price for what would be considered a misalliance by the Almondara family, and be sidelined or even fired.

That's why she hadn't told anyone about it, but today she had to break that silence. She chose an evening when Ernesto had come home even earlier than usual and his sisters were not in the house. She would tell them later. Now was not the time for them to believe the princess life was at hand. Because that was what Isabel was in danger of going through and she had never imagined it.

— Padre, can I speak to you and Carlina? It is very important and it cannot wait.

— What is happening to you, my girl? Can I help you?

— Indeed, and I need your attention and without waiting for the return of my sisters, explained Isabel. I have things to tell you in private.

Carlina who was next door joined in the conversation, not without some concern.

— Make yourself comfortable and tell us what bothers you, the young woman suggested, taking one of the seats around the table.

Isabel didn't know how to start. Her usually beaming face was grave and she looked very uncomfortable.

— There you go, she began. When we were kids Diego and I were very close. It just so happened that at that time he had cut a pendant and gave it to me with his promise to marry me when we were older. We were just children and I too promised to wait for him. Then my life changed.

At these words, a strong emotion began to invade him.

— I worked for a long time at Don and Doña Campos, then I joined Manuela Cortez and, when I came to see you, I had this accident. During the almost six months of convalescence at the Campos, I saw Diego several times, but very quickly. I was sure that our promises as a child had long been forgotten and yet, I later realized, that was not the case.

Ernesto shifted his position, visibly uncomfortable.

— Following his arrest, he was able to escape and evaporated into the wild. I was the only one who knew where he could hide because he had explained to me, in great detail, the path leading to the resistance headquarters. So, I joined the resistance group of which he was part. With their help, I helped him get out of Barcelona and we stayed in hiding until the change of government dropped the charges. This closeness has revived our whole childhood story and Diego will soon be coming to ask for my hand. Padre, I know it's amazing, but we've loved each other for so long! He hasn't spoken to his family yet, and that's why I wanted you to know beforehand.

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