Chapter XXXVII : Motherly love

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Mateo and his brothers were armed with their shotguns but, at Isabel's request, they were not loaded. This presence in numbers would, she hoped, be sufficient so that no one would oppose her with a simple refusal. If that was the case, they would not hesitate to force their way into the house to pick up the children.

The Empuria estate was not completely enclosed and they could easily approach the main house and stop just outside. Their arrival was noticed because the front door opened quickly on a young servant. She recognized Isabel and immediately called to warn Don Pedro Alcobar of the coming of the visitors. She did not seem surprised by the visit. reminded Isabel that the whole household had been informed of the unusual presence of the children.

Isabel and her companions waited on the doorstep. The three men positioned themselves on either side of Isabel, camped on their legs, and holding their hunting rifles in front of them prominently. As soon as Don Pedro saw them, he understood that nothing could prevent them from bringing the three children back to their home. He began the conversation with the usual formulas.

— Good evening, I am Don Pedro Alcobar, he introduced himself, what is the purpose of your visit?

Isabel's anger was mounting but she did what was necessary to contain her rage. She straightened up and met Don Pedro's gaze with a determination that did not escape her.

— And I am Doña Isabel d'Almondara and you are illegally detaining my children. I came to look for them in order to bring them home. I dare to hope that you will accede to my request, without our being forced to formulate it in a more muscular way, she informed him with a calm but threatening voice.

— I am going to call my wife, he announced because it is she who has custody. Do you want to come in and wait inside?

— No, replied Isabel, we will wait here. Have your wife prepare the children for the trip immediately and accompany them directly here. We leave with them within five minutes.

The tone was very authoritarian and the presence of the armed men was enough of a deterrent to avoid a refusal. Don Pedro had agreed to take in the children at the urgent request of his wife's cousin, but he did not want to take sides and be involved in a problem that did not concern him.

The presence of the children here was neither legal nor justified. He was suddenly clear, at that precise moment, of the predicament he had put himself in by agreeing to help Rodrigo.

Don Pedro was also aware of the fact that by making the children unopposed he would already be free from this mistake. Their mother, for the moment, made no reproach, no threat of prosecution for abusive kidnapping. She only demanded that they be returned to her immediately. It was therefore in his interest to accede as quickly as possible to his request and he gave orders to that effect.

Don Pedro considered Rodrigo a brother, but had never appreciated Elvira, whose deceptively kind and manipulative side he had always seen. He thought that it was probably her, that he owed the uncomfortable situation he and his wife found themselves in.

He had only met Isabel once, five years ago, and he remembered her as a shy and rather withdrawn young woman, easy prey for Elvira.

Staying weak, in such a situation, is never successful in the face of a predator like Elvira. To integrate this family and carve out a place there, although she was a commoner, she had had to change her behavior, act as a predator herself because it was much more comfortable to have peace.

The transformation of this young girl was astonishing and her presence was impressive in this complicated family situation.

Don Pedro saw, that morning, that Isabel had obviously taken her destiny in hand.

Under the porch, Isabel, Matéo and his brothers had not moved an inch, nor opened their mouths, but their attitude was sufficiently explicit.

They remained motionless until the children arrived. Andréa was the first, followed by José-Luis. They rushed forward and threw themselves into their mother's arms. Certainly, sensing the tension caused by the situation, they huddled against Isabel in silence. Doña Alcobar came just behind with Marie, asleep in her arms.

She handed the child to her mother and took two steps back, as if to take cover behind her husband. She confessed weakly in a whisper:

— I'm sorry.

It was obvious that the imaginary border between the two groups should never be crossed again. All those present were aware of the gravity of the acts perpetrated and happy that an outcome without damage, could have taken place.

The Alcobar couple had lacked discernment as to their cousin's motives, but this was no longer likely to happen again. They were not proud of it.

Isabel still found it useful to add a final warning in a firm tone:

— You were complicit in a kidnapping, it's unforgivable. I hope there is no need to tell you to keep away from any further intrusion into my life and that of my family in the future!

Turning to Doña Alcobar, she added in a more understanding voice:

— In addition to betraying your own blood, you have chosen the wrong side. Know that your cousin has already sent his wife back to her parents, for bad behavior, and that he had planned to repudiate her. By dint of lies and intrigue, she managed to get him to allow her to return. From that day forward, she has worked to destroy her will and shatter her resolve. Don Rodrigo is under his complete control. He is an elderly and weakened man who has given up the fight. Doña Elvira is at war with the whole world and especially against me and, above all, she has no taboos or moral sense.

Stopping to see the impact his words had had, she was satisfied. She resumed, however, as much to warn them as to make them clearly understand the gravity of the situation.

— One day she will attack her husband. So don't let her do this just yet if you care about him and his family. If Don Rodrigo collapses, you will become the ultimate bulwark against the madness of this evil person.

Then, taking cold leave, she headed for the car, immediately followed by her companions. Before entering, the Alcobars watched the two boys curl up in the thick blankets and the crew set off.

Mateo had taken the reins and Isabel was seated in the back, with her sons and Marie, well wrapped in her arms. The state of tension had exhausted everyone. The swings of the car soon plunged mother and children into sleep.

On the way back, the three brothers discussed at length the events they had just witnessed. Very sorry to see the damage caused by one person, they were however happy to have been able to accompany Isabel. They were also happy that it was not necessary to use force.

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