Part 8

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Two months have passed. After going through such hard training, Zoella was able to fully control her mana, her archery skills were exceptional, her defensive magic was strong, and she was also capable of flying and mastering all of the offensives magic.

Now, she only needs to make progress on one thing.


Now, her teacher was about to fulfill his words. They were about to duel with a real sword.

"You can attack first."

"You really need to stop underestimating me, teacher."


The swords collided. No matter how strong she becomes, Zoella still could feel that her skills still couldn't be compared to Hayes. She could clearly tell that their level was really different.

Zoella kept attacking him with all her might. Despite that, Hayes could defend and dodged her easily.

'She's more strategic than before.'

A smirk formed on Hayes's face. He started to take over the rhythm of the fight. Instead of defending, now he was attacking Zoella.

Until at some point, Zoella couldn't attack him anymore. Hayes pointed his sword to her neck.

'Just like he said. Aim for the neck.'

Both of them were run out of breath.

Zoella smiled bitterly knowing that she still had a long way to go. Hayes put his sword down and walked over to Zoella.

"You're getting better. No need to compare yourself to me. I've learned swordsmanship for almost 14 years after all."

"I know that. But still."

"Come on, Harriet made your favorite food for lunch today."

He put his hands around Zoella's shoulders and made her follow him walking inside the house.

"Done already? That was quick."

Harriet spoke while she was preparing the food on the table. Zoella instinctively strode to the kitchen to help her bring the food.

"Thank you, dear. Hayes, get the kids."

At first, Harriet didn't want Zoella to help because she knew that girl must be tired but she kept on insisting.

And now she was getting used to Zoella helping her in the kitchen.

"Mom, I saw Sister and Uncle fight with a sword today!"

"They were very cool. I want to be like Uncle when I grow up."

"Don't worry boys, this uncle will personally train you two."

Rowan and Rigel cheered loudly as they hugged their Uncle.

"My husband would be crying if he hears this."

Zoella let out a little laugh upon hearing Harriet's words. Her husband had visited a few times. But Harriet didn't want to come back yet.

She said she wanted to take care of Zoella as well. Luckily he understood and let her do whatever she wanted.

"Zoe, you need to eat the food before it gets cold."

"Come on."

Harriet and Zoella sat on their chair and they started to eat in peace.


And just like that, a month passed by. Now is the time for Zoella to go to the Academy.

A carriage that Hayes prepared in advance was stood by in front of the gate. Hayes and Zoella bring out their luggage and the driver puts them inside the carriage.

When Zoella was about to bid them farewell, Harriet hugged her tightly as if didn't want to let her go.

"Listen to me, Zoe. You need to send me a letter often, okay? And don't hesitate to ask me to come if you need someone."

"Thank you, sister."

As Harriet released her, Rowan and Rigel hugged her legs. Zoella crouched down to their eyes level and hugged them.

"You can't forget about us, Sister."

"I will ask Mom and Dad to visit you often."

"There would be no way for me to forget amazing boys like you."

"Hayes, you better look after Zoe. Don't let any trouble come to her."

"I know, I know. You don't need to nag me about that."

And with that, they say goodbye and depart.

Zoella's heart was beating like crazy. She didn't know why but for some reason she was nervous. She was sure that the school would be very different than the school that she was used to.

"Zoe, I need to tell you about this before we arrived. The Academy that I enrolled you in is a place where commoners and nobles gathered up to learn."

Nobles. The aristocrats. Simply put the influential people.

If it was her original world, she wouldn't be this nervous because the teachers back there were pretty fair. But in this world where the nobles hold the most power, she didn't know how far she could fight them.

"You don't need to worry about those pesky nobles. Since you have me as your guardian and teacher. Maybe some of them will try to pick a fight with you but I'm sure you can handle it. Just do whatever you want."

Even though Hayes was smiling now he was serious. He told Zoella to do whatever she wanted to the nobles.

'Just who on earth is this man?'

It's been three months but Hayes never told her about himself. Not that they had time to talk about it. He was busy training Zoella. And when it was her day off, he would look after his nephews or suddenly disappear.

She only knew that Hayes was the person who saved her life, a mage, a crazy person, and strong. A totally mysterious person.

"Zoe, look at the window. That is your academy."

A really large building appeared in front of her. Zoella was stunned in awe. It was larger compared to her old school.

The Academy seemed shining in her eyes. That was because the building was painted white and silver made it look elegant.

"We have arrived."

The carriage was stopped. Hayes and Zoella got out of it with their luggage.

"Relax. They are not going to bite you."

Zoella smiled at his terrible joke. Still, she appreciated that.

She took a deep breath trying to calm her heart down. Once she was ready, she started walking to her new school. But, why is this teacher of hers entering the academy too?

"Teacher, you don't need to enter with me. I'm fine on my own."

"Oh, I didn't tell you? I'm a teacher in this academy."

Hayes's innocent smile annoyed her. She felt like this from the first time they met but this man really liked to surprise her. Even now, Zoella didn't even know how to react anymore. Also, that was not really important as she was about to begin her life as a student again. 

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