Part 42

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In the cold breeze of winter, three people wrapped their bodies with thick clothes to prevent the cold hit their bodies. The two boys who were now six years old didn't let Zoella out of their sight since she arrived a few days ago.

They dragged her around all over the place to play. And now they were outside the house planning to build a snowman with Zoella.

"You need to make it smaller, Rowan! It's for the head."

"But I want it to be big!"

Zoella who watched the twins bickered quietly fix the snowball that Rowan made. She waited for them to stop before she spoke.

"Rigel is right, Rowan. If the head is big then the snowman will be unbalanced."

Rowan pouted as Zoella patted his head gently. Zoella combined all the snowballs that they made while the twins picked up some gravel for the decoration.

Once they put the decoration on the snowman, the three looked at it feeling satisfied.

"Kids, time's up. Come in, now!"

Hearing their mother's voice, the twins hold Zoella's hands and run inside the house. Harriet shook her head lightly with a motherly smile on her face while she closed the door.

After Zoella and Hayes arrived, her children seemed to be more cheerful than before. It seemed to her that the twins had considered Zoella as their own Sister.

Her face became sour once her eyes caught a glimpse of Hayes who was sitting on the sofa with a glass of hot coffee in his hand.

She was a bit annoyed by the fact that Zoella was under Hayes's guardian and not hers.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"


Harriet showed him a clear forced smile before she went to the kitchen. Hayes who didn't understand his Sister's behavior shrugged his shoulder and continued to sip his coffee.

Hayes took a deep breath as he leaned his back on the sofa. For the past few days, Hayes had planned to stay at Harriet's house just for winter which was about a month. Because he intended to hone Zoella's skills even more, he already had something in mind but hadn't talked to Zoella yet.

Even though he knew Zoella wouldn't mind, Hayes still wanted her to know beforehand.

"Why are you spacing out, teacher?"

Hayes snapped out of his mind when he heard his disciple's voice. Zoella sat on the sofa beside him with a glass of hot chocolate in her hand.

She sipped the hot chocolate slowly so that her tongue won't burn.


Hayes put down his mug on the table and faced Zoella with a serious look. Zoella who rarely saw that kind of expression on Hayes's face also put down her mug.

"I've been thinking..."

'That can never be good.'

Zoella nervously fidgeted her hands. She waited for Hayes to continue his words with anticipation.

"After this winter, I'll train you in a different way."


Zoella was puzzled. If it was about training then she had been doing it almost every day. Even on holidays like this, Zoella still consistently trained her mana control and magic quietly in her room.

"You still remember when your friends were kidnapped, right? I told you to chase them while I took care of another person."

"Yeah. And?"

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