Part 87

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"Follow me."

Hayes said as he led his disciples to the place he was supposed to go in the first place, the Prince's tent.

Inside the tent, Zoella could see five people which she recognized. Prince William, Ezekiel, her Father, her Brother, and Edwin Owens.

"Sir Castor, what are my sister and Tyrael doing here?"

Confusion and worry laced through Noah's voice.

"Because they are also aware of what's going on, Captain."

Noah flinched when Hayes called him Captain. It was a reminder for him that he needed to act accordingly in this situation. Noah glanced at his Father who gave him a slight nod because today Elijah saw what his daughter really capable of when she killed those monsters.

"Sir Castor, how did your investigation go?"

William asked. He was surprised when Hayes suddenly asked for the Royal Knights to go inside the forest and then he suddenly ran off somewhere. Not long after that, he and his men were surrounded by many monsters that were mostly killed by Ezekiel.

Hayes put up a barrier before he started his explanation.

"Three days ago, some Knights under Sir Noah came to me and told me they felt black mana and asked me to confirm it for them. Right, Sir Noah?"

Noah only nodded his head as he also listened to Hayes carefully.

"After that, I went to the forest and I can say, there was some trace of black mana. And still is even today. Strangely, the black mana was covered with mana."

The room fell silent. They were all taken aback by this fact.

"Are you saying there's a traitor?"

Ezekiel asked coldly. Zoella was surprised to hear that tone from him.

"Considering the fact they could go inside the barrier that I made, I'm afraid it is most likely, Your Grace."

Edwin chimed in. His barrier was made to restrict anyone who has power other than divine power and magic. Then, he nodded at Hayes to continue his explanation.

"Though I still don't understand how they did it, it was like the mana was concealing its presence and also slowed its effect on monsters."

Zoella remembered Hayes told her that monsters were reactive toward black mana. They could easily lose their minds if they felt it.

"Then, why were the monsters going on a rampage all of a sudden?"

Hayes could hear the impatient in William's voice.

"What could possibly activate black mana?"


Zoella mumbled. Hayes smiled proudly as he nodded.

"Yes, blood. They didn't really react to animal blood. But when I helped some people who were attacked by a group of ogres, some of them were injured. Thus, the monsters wave. Unfortunately, I was caught in that wave and couldn't find out about the culprit."

Hayes didn't say it out loud but his suspicion about the culprit being the same person as the kidnapping accident was proved right. Because he could feel the similarity of their flow of mana. All he needed to do now was to find them.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Sir Castor. I think it'd be best if we ask the people to go home and continue our investigation."

"As you command, Your Highness."

They bowed before they quickly left the tent. Before she left, Zoella stole a quick glance at Ezekiel who also looked at her with a faint smile. After that, she left for the Academy with Tyrael and Noah as her escort.


On the other place, Margaret decided to take a stroll a little after she took one with her friends. Even when she spent her time with Lilian and Warren, she still couldn't get this feeling out of her.

When she was about to get back, Margaret saw a man's figure walking in her direction. As he got closer, Margaret could see it was Anthony Hart.

"Hello, Sir."

Margaret greeted him and lowered her head slightly.

"You... aren't you Zoella's friend? What are you doing out here?"

Margaret was surprised when Anthony asked her. She didn't think he would strike up a conversation.

"Yes, Sir. My name is Margaret. I'm here... just to take a stroll. What about you, Sir?"

"Just come back from watching some interesting things."

Anthony answered with excitement that could be felt clearly in his voice.

She didn't know what Anthony meant by that so Margaret only nodded and didn't reply anymore. Anthony observed her for a while before he finally asked.

"Your face looks troubled. Care to tell me?"

His voice sounded sincere. Margaret was hesitant at first because Anthony was basically a stranger. But she needed someone to confide so she finally gave in.

"It's just... this feeling in me. I'm scared... of being left out. My friends accomplished things that I couldn't. I feel like... they keep getting stronger, they walk ahead, without waiting for me."

Margaret recalled the time when Oscar bragged about how jealous his friends were because he could hang out with them. At that time, Margaret could feel that her friends' standing changed.

Zoella and Tyrael were naturally looked up to since they were Hayes Castor's disciples. Lilian has improved so much after training with Zoella that she was idolized by her underclassmen. And even if he didn't see it, they could easily talk to others from different departments thanks to Warren who built a friendship with them.

'Then what about me? What did I do?'

Margaret clenched her fist as she looked at her feet.

"Zoe kept telling me to work at my own pace and that I always did a good job. But what if I still couldn't be seen as equal to them?"

"In conclusion, you want to get stronger?"

Margaret's eyes went wide when she heard it.

'Do I? Do I really want that?'

Her heart wavered. She never thought of that. All she wanted was to be seen as equal to be with her friends.

"From what I've heard, your friends showed an improvement and getting stronger. And you want the same thing so you won't be left behind. Isn't it?"

Anthony's words seeped through her mind just like a spell. Slowly, Margaret nodded her head as she thought what Anthony said was true.

"Then, I'll help you."

Margaret looked up at Anthony with a surprised expression on her face.

"Help? How?"

"I know a method that I think will suit you. Come to my office tomorrow after the last period."

She was stilled as nothing came to her mind after Anthony spoke. As she didn't give him any answer, Anthony asked again.

"Your answer?"

"Huh? Oh yes, Sir."

Margaret just realized that she just stood there staring at Anthony without a word. Her face went red at that embarrassing moment.

"Good. Get back inside now. It's getting dark."

After he said that, Anthony walked away to the teacher's dorm leaving Margaret who was still quite confused.

For a moment, Margaret felt like she was losing her mind when she agreed to get Anthony's help. It was like she was half-conscious when she talked to Anthony.

But true to his words, the sun was almost set completely and the air was getting cold. Margaret tried to convince herself that her decision to accept Anthony's offer was correct as she slowly walked back inside the dorm.

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