Part 74

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Inside Edwin's room, Hayes sipped his tea without giving single attention to his teacher's glare while Tyrael sat beside him anxiously.

The moment he stepped inside the room, Edwin greeted them, specifically Hayes, with a sharp gaze that Tyrael couldn't say anything.

"Won't you tell me as to how you get your hands on the elves?"

Edwin asked coldly. Tyrael even felt a shiver running down his spine as this is his first time hearing Edwin talk like this.

The Edwin he knew was always warm and rarely got angry. Seeing him like this only means Hayes really got on his nerve.

Hayes opened his eyes and looked straight at Edwin's grey eyes.

"First, this child's document."

Edwin took a deep breath as he brought out some documents with his magic.

"Here. You can read it slowly, Tyrael."

His voice softened when he talked to Tyrael.

"Yes. Thank you, Sir Edwin."

Tyrael read the documents that stated his name was 'Tyrael Whitlock'. It was written that he was a son of a mercenary named 'Darfin Whitlock'.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face. He didn't care about anything else in the document.

"I see that you're content with it."

"Yes. Once again, thank you so much, Sir Edwin."

"Hoho, you never change Tyrael. Has it been 10 years? How are your Father and everybody else?"

"They are really great. Also, they said that if you have time, you should come and visit us again."

Edwin smiled warmly. It would be lying if he said he didn't want to visit the Silevea forest. No one knows that Edwin had formed a friendship with the elves except for Hayes, though he didn't believe it at first.

Ever since he became the principal, his every movement was being supervised. So, Edwin couldn't come whenever he wanted like before.

The elves secluded themselves from humans not for no reason. They once allied themselves with humans. However, the humans couldn't keep the peace by making the elves their slaves. The elves' leader was enraged by this and saved his enslaved people.

Since then, the elves chose to avoid humans.

"Tyrael, could you wait outside for a moment?"

Tyrael gave Edwin a questioning look but still did what he asked.

After Tyrael closed the door, Hayes put up a soundproofing barrier as he straightened his position.

"Black mages."

Only two words but they were enough to make Edwin's heart drop. He looked at his student to confirm whether he was playing a joke or not.

Unfortunately, Hayes's gaze only became sharper.


"As you know, I continued Zoella's training while being a mercenary. In one of our missions, we were asked to catch a thief. That's Tyrael."

Edwin frowned as he heard Hayes's explanation but he didn't interrupt.

Hayes continued his story without leaving any detail, including their encounter with Eirwen since he needed Edwin's permission to bring Eirwen to the dorm with Zoella.

"So, let me get this straight. You went to the Silevea forest because you're suspicious, taming a wild beast, fainted for two days after you fought with six black mages, using the life stone's power as you please, and you bring an elf here just because his Father asked you to?"

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