Part 50

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Elves. A race that lived deep in the Silevea forest. This forest was located in the northwest region as well as the border of the Vadian Empire and the Ruvalon Kingdom.

Physically, the elves were similar to humans. The only things different were their long pointed ears and their extremely beautiful faces.

The information about elves was really limited because they were rarely in contact with humans if it wasn't necessary. They lived quietly in their forest with other living beings.

"So why did an elf steal the food here?"

Zoella mumbled. The elf in front of them was still sleeping soundly. It looks like Hayes hit him harder than he thought.

"And what should we say to the villagers?"

Hayes was about to answer Zoella before a groan was heard.


The elf's eyelids fluttered trying to open themselves. A pair of bright yellow eyes were revealed. For a second, Zoella held her breath unconsciously.

When his eyes opened perfectly, he was startled to see two humans before his eyes. Moreover, he couldn't move at all because Hayes had tied him.

"Oh, he's up."

The elf glared at Zoella as he gritted his teeth. He wriggled his body and tried to escape the rope but it was useless.

"Release me!"

"Woah, why don't you calm down first? And then we'll talk."

"Talk? Do you think I will talk to a barbaric human like you?"

Zoella stared at him with her left eye twitching. This was the first time someone ever called her barbaric.

She stood up with her arms folded and said,

"Oh yeah? And what kind of idiot steal from the barbaric human, huh? Oh right, it's you."

"I'm not! I'm just taking from nature. It's not owned by anyone!"


A bump appeared on the elf's head and his eyes were teary. Hayes smacked him really hard that the elf felt like fainting again.

"We're done with your bullshit here. Just tell us why did you steal?"


The elf looked away from them not wanting to answer. Hayes and Zoella looked at each other before a devilish smile appeared on their faces.

"Oh well, it can't be helped. We'll just hand you over to the villagers."

The elf's ears perked at Hayes's voice.

"Our job to capture you is done. So from now on, it's up to the villagers what they will do to you."


The elf shouted. He looked at Hayes and Zoella with tearful eyes as if he was begging them not to hand him to the villagers.

He was aware that the problem would be bigger if these two people gave him to the village. His people would also be in danger if that were the case.

"Then answer my teacher's question."

The elf lowered his gaze. He looked hesitant to answer the question. Neither Hayes nor Zoella rushed him to speak. They waited patiently until the elf was ready.

"We need it. We have no choice but to steal."

Hayes frowned at his answer. For as long as he knew, the Silevea forest was a forest with abundant plants and animals. Thus, there would be no way the elves needed to go as far as to steal to survive.

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