Part 71

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Emma drew the curtains to let the sunlight enter her Lady's bedroom. On the wide bed, her body flinched as she felt the sound bothering her slumber.


A groan escaped from her mouth. Zoella blinked her eyes a few times before she covered her whole body with a blanket.

"Lady Zoella, it's morning already. You need to get up now."

Zoella let out an audible sound without moving an inch.

Emma let out a sigh and snatched the blanket away from Zoella's body.


"It's almost noon now, My Lady."

Zoella stretched her body trying to awaken her brain from its rest. She slowly sat with her still sleepy face on.

"Can I just have five more minutes?"


Emma looked at her master with an exasperated look on her face.

"Do you even know what time I got home?"

Emma didn't know exactly when Zoella got home but she knew that it was definitely so late at night. That was why she purposely went to Zoella's room later than usual.

The usual Zoella would wake up before Emma arrived at her room. Seeing that Zoella was still away in her dream when Emma opened the door, she was quite surprised.

"I know you're tired, Lady. But, you shouldn't be late for your meals."

'Come to think of it, I didn't eat much at the banquet and yet I didn't feel hungry.'

Zoella was only able to eat a few bites of chocolate cake before Dolores Munford interrupted her peaceful time.

"Why are you zoning out again? You need to bathe, Lady."

Emma pulled Zoella out of her bed and pushed her to the bathroom.

Not long after that, Emma had done helping with her bath and outfit. She continued her work to tidy up Zoella's room and fed Eirwen while the owner went to the dining room.

To her surprise, Amelia, Noah, Hayes, and Tyrael were there with the food still untouched.

"Good morning."

Zoella greeted them as she sat on her chair.

"Good morning, baby."

"Did you have a good sleep, Zoe?"


Zoella nodded her head at her brother's question with a smile on her face.

"You're finally awake, sleeping beauty."

"Well thank you. I am a beauty."

Tyrael was lost for words at Zoella's reply. She also looked so confident that Tyrael didn't know how to retort.

"Well, since Zoella is already here, let's eat."

At Amelia's words, the servants immediately served the food to their masters. Without wasting any time, Zoella started to dig into her meals.

After tasting a slice of tasty meat, Zoella's stomach was begging for more. She devoured the meals on her plate without any leftovers.

Seeing Zoella had finished her food, a servant placed a piece of caramel pudding with some vanilla sauce on top of it.

When Zoella was about to eat it, she just realized something was different.

"By the way, where's Father?"

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