Part 82

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"Swing harder!"

"What's with your posture?! Fix it immediately!"

"Where are you looking?! Focus on your target!"

"Yes, senior!"

Oscar shouted with his sword hitting the training dummy harder.

"Zoella, are you sure this is for the best?"

Tyrael asked as he continued dodging Zoella's sword.

"I think? Well, from the look of it, Lilian sure has the same energy to handle Oscar."

Zoella answered calmly while focusing on attacking him.

This day marked a week since Zoella accepted Oscar's request to train him. However, the one who actually trained him was Lilian.

On the day after Zoella went to see Hayes, Zoella agreed to train Oscar only if he reached Lilian's level of swordsmanship. Being the little brat that he was, Oscar underestimated Lilian's strength only to get completely beaten up after sparring with her.

After that, Oscar agreed to Zoella's terms to reach Lilian's level before Zoella trained him personally. And Lilian took this chance as her way to not only trained Oscar but also to discipline him.

That made the current situation in the backyard of the dorm. While Tyrael sparred with Zoella, Margaret and Warren did their own things, Lilian was having fun training (and torturing) her first-ever student.

"That's that but you need to worry about your own situation, you know?"

Tyrael's eyes widened when a ball of mana was shot in his direction. Luckily, he was fast enough to dodge it. And without wasting any time, he closed their distance so Zoella couldn't shoot her mana again.


One of his twin blades clashed with Zoella's sword and the other tried to attack her. Zoella backed away just enough to immediately dashed to aim for Tyrael's neck.

"A tie."

Oscar who unconsciously stopped swinging his sword mumbled. He didn't realize his movement stopped as his eyes glued to Tyrael and Zoella's spar.

As he said, the spar ended with a tie where Zoella's sword was at Tyrael's neck and one of his twin blades also at Zoella's neck.

"Still a tie, huh?"

Tyrael grumbled while both of them lowered their weapons.

"You've improved, though. You're getting used to fighting someone who wields magic."

Zoella remembered the first time Tyrael sparred with her using magic, he was really flustered. But now, he knew exactly what to do to counterattack.

"Woah! That was the best spar I've ever seen!"

Zoella and Tyrael turned to face the owner of that energetic voice.

"Senior, do all of you always spar like that?"

Oscar asked with a twinkle that could be seen clearly in his eyes.

"Are you mad? I've never even won once against her and having her fight me like that? I'd absolutely die within seconds."

Lilian shuddered at the thought of that. No matter how often she saw Tyrael and Zoella spar, she still couldn't believe how much strength the two of them had. It made her feel small but also determined to get stronger at the same time.

"Still, you're getting much better since the first time we spar, Lilian. You even beat the crap out of your student."

"Gahh! Why did you remind me of that, senior?"

Lilian chuckled at her friend's words. Zoella was right. She could definitely feel the difference after she started training with Zoella even if she still had a long way to go to be on par with Zoella.

"Anyway, let's wrap up for today. It's not good to keep training without a rest."

Zoella and Tyrael took the sword and the dummy that Oscar used and went straight to the storage room.

The first time they did it, Oscar tried to stop them and volunteered to do it as he was the rookie. But Zoella scold him and said there was no such thing as rookies needing to do all the mundane work and they would take turns doing it.

"Another awesome spar, huh? That's to be expected."

Someone mumbled. Warren tore his eyes from the book in his hand to glance at the owner of the voice, Margaret. She stopped training her magic after Zoella asked them to wrap up.

"Well, that's Zoe. She has a goal and so do us. No need to compare them because our goals are surely different."

Warren spoke without looking at her. He could feel Margaret's gaze on him and decided to close his book. Before he could speak again, a cheerful voice interrupted him.

"Senior, did you know? A lot of my friends become jealous of me because I have the opportunity to hang out with your group."

"Is that so? Why is that?"

Warren put the book in his bag and turned around to face Oscar who sat on the ground followed by Lilian.

"I mean, your group is basically the idol of my year. Especially Sir Castor's disciples and senior Lilian."

"Me? I can understand Zoella and Tyrael... but me? Why?"

Lilian's eyebrows knotted. This was the first time she heard this kind of thing.

"Senior, you're one of the best swordsmen in your year. And you being a girl make it more incredible. There are a lot of my girl classmates who wish to be like you."

"What are you saying?"

Lilian's face became as red as a tomato. She didn't really know about her underclassmen so hearing Oscar bragged about this made her bashful.

"I'm dead serious, senior!"

"Wait, only three of them? How about the genius Warren here, huh?"

Warren asked with a cocky expression while Lilian and Margaret could only roll their eyes at him.

"Hmm... I don't really have friends within your department but I'm sure that their role model is called Michael Wiley."

"That person, huh? I should've known."

"What are we talking about that made Warren look like that?"

Zoella and Tyrael walked in with curious expressions since they saw Warren look dejected.

"Nothing! Come on, let's go back already."

Warren said as he carried his bag and started to walk away.

Zoella lifted her left eyebrow and asked Lilian with her eyes. Like the good friend that she was, Lilian approached her and said in a whisper.

"He was sulking because no one idolized him in his department."


Zoella looked at Margaret, who already walked beside her, with an unconvincing look in her eyes. After Margaret simply nodded, the three of them laughed out loud while Oscar and Tyrael followed them from behind in confusion.

"Shut up! What's so funny?!"

Warren shouted with annoyance on his face. Instead of stopping, those three started to laugh even more.

Their way to the dorm was filled with Warren's shouts of annoyance, three girls' laughs, and the confusion still glued on Oscar and Tyrael's faces. 

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