Part 78

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"So, 3 letters to Torneu's residence in Lonbourne city, 3 letters to Count Leighton's estate, and 1 letter to Baron Lowell's estate. Is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct, Ma'am."

That morning, Zoella accompanied by Lilian and Margaret went to deliver her letters. Zoella refused their offer to tag along at first because the room was right next to the reception desk. But Lilian and Margaret insisted.

"Alright then. We will send them right away, Miss Leighton."

"Thank you very much. Then, we'll head out now. Have a good day."

Zoella, Lilian, and Margaret bowed slightly before they left the room. When the three of them headed out for the Academy, they could see two people had already been waiting for them at the dorm's gate.

"You guys took some time. That's new."

Warren said as he leaned to the gate's wall waiting for his friends to come closer.

"Sorry for the wait. I need to deliver some letters and I had already asked them to go without me but-"

"Of course, we won't do that."

Margaret cut in before Zoella could finish her words while Lilian only nodded her head with determination.

"Well, let's just go now."

At Tyrael's words, the five of them went straight to Academy while chattering. And as per usual, they parted ways once they arrived at the main building.

"Anyway, I know that the three letters were for your family but what about the rest?"

"They're for my teacher's sister and her family. She had been taking care of me and the other one is for my new friend."

"I see. I thought one of them would be for him."


"Nothing. What did they say?"

Margaret grinned innocently as she tried to change the topic but Zoella was getting annoyed. She really didn't hear the last sentence because Margaret basically whispering.

Zoella sighed and gave in because she knew that Margaret wouldn't tell her even if she asked.

"Just stuff. You know about how my life here, telling about their days, and so on."

At least, that was the majority of the topic of the letters she received. As for Harriet's letter, it was also an apology letter since Harriet couldn't write often to her when she was in training despite knowing where Zoella was.

Turned out, Hayes kept sending letters once their mission was over. But of course, Hayes didn't say anything about the black mage or the elves' matter. Harriet would be really freaked out if he did.

He also asked Harriet not to send any letter yet to Zoella before she finished her debutante. And Harriet agreed to it since she knew how busy it was to prepare for the debutante.

In her letter, Harriet also congratulated her for finding her family which made Zoella need to suppress her sobbing sound through the night.

Still, with her peaceful days going on, Zoella could assure Harriet with the story of her days in the dorm and Academy. At least she could tell Harriet with confidence that she was doing really well.

"Honestly, she worried more than my own Mother."

"Hm? Who?"

"No one. Anyway, I heard Mrs. Collins called in sick today?"

Margaret stared at Zoella for a second before she finally responded.

"Yeah. We will have some free time before the third lesson."

"I see."

Zoella muttered as she quietly opened her herbology book.

"Zoe, aren't you bored with that book?"

"Of course not. Why don't you try reading it, Margaret? It's quite fun."

The book was different from the basic herbology she got in the first year. This second year herbology book was advanced and had a more detailed explanation and of course, it was more difficult to understand.

"Ugh, no thanks. I'll just ask you if I have any questions."

Zoella rolled her eyes playfully and started to focus on her book.

'There are more varieties of potions and poisons I can try to make. I need to go to the forest again. It's been a while but I'll meet him there, right?'

The person she naturally thought about was Ezekiel. The last time she met him was on the day of her debutante. After that Zoella didn't have a chance to meet him again.


Zoella jolted out of her mind when the door was opened harshly revealing a dark green-haired guy with a playful grin on his face.

"Excuse me, seniors! I'm looking for a girl named Zoella."

In his words, all of her classmates throw a questioning look at Zoella asking if she knew the guy. Zoella shook her head slightly as a sign that she didn't know. Never in her life had she met this guy so how could she know?

"Before that, shouldn't you identify yourself?"

A voice suddenly broke the silence. To her surprise, Zoella knew exactly the owner of that deep voice.

It was Jasper Ortis. He didn't move an inch from his chair but his voice echoed all over the room. Now, her classmates stared sharply at the guy who barged in uninvitedly.

"Oh, that's right. I'm a first year in the Swordsmanship Department, Oscar Verwood."

Oscar bowed after he introduced himself. He thought these people would understand his intention after his introduction. Contrary to his expectation, Zoella and her classmates became even more confused.

They didn't understand why a student from another department come to their class looking for Zoella. Not to mention, he was an underclassman.

Jasper took a quick glance at Zoella who looked a bit hesitant to reveal herself.

"I'm Jasper Ortis. So, why are you looking for Zoella?"

"I will answer after I see her."

Jasper's left eye twitched at Oscar's cheeky answer. He moved from his chair and stood tall right in front of Oscar.

"Listen here, you barged into our class disturbing everyone's peace just to find one person who is a member of our class. I believe we have the right to know if our friend had caused any problem."

At Jasper's words, Zoella felt warm in her heart when she heard the word 'friend' come out of his mouth. Zoella knew that Jasper was still awkward with her but she didn't mind and continued to try to befriend him. Who knows that she could hear that word today.

On the other hand, Oscar who stood face-to-face with Jasper needed to swallow his saliva so hard when his eyes met Jasper's. His stare was so intimidating that Oscar thought he became smaller.

"No... senior. She didn't cause any trouble at all."

Jasper didn't say anything but his eyes never left Oscar's. Feeling anxious, Oscar shut his eyes and shouted.

"I came here to challenge a duel with Zoella!"

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