Part 46

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A group of green, bulky, and hideous-faced creatures had appeared. They were called ogres and often roamed around this forest.

Zoella had seen their image in the book but she never thought she would see them directly like this.

Hayes put Zoella down slowly but he didn't release his grip on her hand. He observed the ogre group to determine whether they should defeat it or not.

"Say teacher, didn't you say the trope was sent to kill monsters?"

"And didn't I say they were sent to the north? Besides, those creatures are sneaky. No matter how much we killed them somehow there will always be monsters out there."

Zoella nodded subtly.

"But, why the north?"

"Because most monsters lived there."

Zoella didn't ask anymore after that. She quietly imitated her teacher observing the ogres. Hayes estimated there were more than ten ogres walking their way.

If he was alone, Hayes would have no problem fighting those ogres. But now he needed to make sure Zoella's safety first.

"Zoe, apply your most lethal poison to your arrows."

"Are you crazy? I mean you are but seriously?"

Hayes looked at his student with a questioning look in his red eyes. He thought the most effective for Zoella to fight them was to shoot them with a poison arrow.

So he didn't understand why Zoella called him crazy this time.

"These poisons are meant for humans, not monsters. They have a different metabolism than us and who knows while we were trying to kill them we were the ones who get killed instead."

Hayes raised his brows as he got new information. Hayes was never interested in his studies and only brilliant at magic. He was grateful that his disciple was a bookworm.

"Alright. Pour some mana into your earring. Just a little."

Zoella did as Hayes instructed. The blue crystal in the earring gleamed as she poured a little amount of mana into it.

"That's enough."

Zoella was taken aback when she heard Hayes's voice right in her left ear. Hayes who saw her funny reaction couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'll fight them with my sword while you blow them with your arrows, got it?"

"Roger that."

Hayes nodded and jumped down the tree while Zoella stay there. She could see the ogres slowly approaching their spot.


The ogre in the front immediately raised its weapon as soon as it saw Hayes. However, it was unfortunate for them because compared to Hayes, their movements were as slow as a snail.

When Zoella saw his teacher start to attack, she took one arrow as she intended to aim at the middle row.


The arrow exploded the moment it hit an ogre.


"Nice job. But try to look at my position while you're at it. I nearly killed!"

Hayes talked to Zoella through their earring. Zoella who still hadn't used to this was startled when she heard Hayes's voice.

"Sorry. I couldn't see well because of the smoke."

Zoella smiled awkwardly. Her eyes started to focus again and this time, she made the explosion impact narrower. As such, when the first blow killed four ogres the second blow killed two ogres.

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