Part 76

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The tension filled the room as Hayes finished his story. Zoella didn't even have the courage to break the silence by asking him the questions in her mind.

"That old geezer had lay low for a while now. But, I still need to keep my guard around him. And you too, Zoe."


Zoella almost choked on her word.

"Always beware of your surroundings. Don't put your trust in someone easily."

The weight of Hayes's words seeped deeply into her heart. This was not advice but a warning. Hayes knew something that she didn't. And Zoella knew that he had no intention of telling her.

Zoella nodded her head without asking any questions anymore.

After the conversation, Zoella headed back to her dorm with a sullen face. It'd be nice if her teacher shared a thing or two with her. However, Zoella also knew that if Hayes didn't tell her anything, it meant he wasn't sure about the information he had.

As of now, the only thing Zoella could do was follow Hayes's words.


"Good morning, class. I'm your magic theory teacher for the second year, Anthony Hart."

A ginger-haired man with his caramel brown eyes looked at Zoella and her classmates with a bright face. From the first day of her second year, Zoella started seeing new people as her teachers.

In this Academy, the teacher was specifically pointed to teach a certain study for a certain year. Thus, the teachers were extremely skillful in their field.

"I expect to see your amazing achievement in this class. Especially the one who caught everyone's attention these days."

Anthony's brown irises shot straight in Zoella's direction making her flinch. A familiar feeling crept up to her heart. And it wasn't a good feeling.

Back in her old school, a lot of teachers had said this thing to her. Pressuring her shoulder with high expectations.

Zoella put on a stiff smile on her face and averted her eyes. She didn't like it one bit.

"Let us start the class."

The moment Anthony's eyes left her, Zoella could finally breathe in relief. She took out the book from her bag and started flipping it.

"In your first year, you have learned about mana and how to control it and make it stronger. In this class, you will no longer learn it. Instead, I will make you do some speculation."

The whole class glanced at each other. Anthony's teaching method sure was different from other teachers. Even Zoella still couldn't grasp what he meant by that.

"Your confused faces never failed to amuse me. Hahaha."

'Is this guy really a teacher? Why do I feel like he just teasing us?'

"As you all know, a mage has mana, a swordmaster has aura, and a priest has divine power. So, what do you think if someone has two or all three powers at a time?"

One of the students raised his hand.

"Isn't that person will become really powerful? Maybe the most powerful person ever."

At his answer, other students nodded as they agreed with his opinion. Anthony put on a teasing smile while saying nothing.

After some time, Zoella raised her hand.


"In the first place, can someone really have more than one power?"


Once again, all of her classmate's attention focused on Zoella. After she took a deep breath, Zoella started talking again.

"As we all know, mana is innate. It is a power that we have since we are born. So, not everyone has mana."

"What if someone who has those three powers is a mage?"

One of her friends asked.

"It's still going to be difficult. To have divine power, you must give your whole life solely for Maharin, and only then you will be blessed by divine power. You can't be a mage and a priest at the same time. Also for the aura, even now only one person managed to get the title of the Swordmaster. That alone tells us that gaining aura is no easy matter."

"It's not easy but it doesn't mean impossible, Miss Leighton."

Anthony began to take over the class.

"You're right. Unless it was the Saint, it's impossible for someone to have divine power without being a priest. However, there's no rule that a priest can't use mana if they have."

The class continued with Anthony's unique method of teaching. Even during her break time, Zoella couldn't stop thinking about her first magic theory class.

Not only Anthony didn't make his student read the textbook, but he was also brave enough to make the students think about bold assumptions like that.

But, Zoella didn't hate it. Rather, she quite liked his teaching. Anthony made his students think out of the box and made a hypothesis based on their past knowledge. Without them realizing it, Anthony helped them to remember their basic lesson without reading a book.

"I really look forward to the next class."

"You mean, Sir Anthony's? You seem to like magic theory class now, Zoe. I remember you used to hate it."

"It's because of the teacher. I always like magic theory, you know?"

"What are you guys talking about?"

Warren asked with his mouth still full.

"Well, Zoella seemed to like the new teacher for our magic theory class. His name is Sir Anthony Hart."

"Oh, I know him. He's the handsome one."


Seeing Warren who suddenly choked on his food, Tyrael quickly hand him a glass of water.

"Drink it."

Without thinking twice, Warren chugged the water until the last drop. He put the glass on the table as he looked at Lilian.


"I mean, he is. Right, Margaret?"

"Well, I can't deny it. He has a different charm from Sir Castor but he's definitely handsome. And a genius."

Warren stared at Margaret and Lilian in disbelief. And he couldn't say anything when he saw Zoella calmly eating her fruit in peace. Meaning she silently agreed with her friends.

Tyrael put his hand on Warren's shoulder and gave it a light pat.

"Stay strong."

"What do you mean stay strong?! I don't care about that teacher at all!"

"Warren Piers! Do not make a fuss in the cafeteria!"

"Sorry, Ma'am."

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