Part 54

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In a room full of food and drinks, there were two people stuffing their faces vigorously. It was understandable since the two of them have been out for two days straight.

"I can't believe you also fainted, Zoe."

Hayes said with his mouth still full of food. Zoella chewed her food slowly before she answered.

"What can I do? Maintaining a barrier and spreading my mana at the same time was a hard task, you know?"

"Not as hard as mine."

"I mean, I could do it too but I'm not confident if I can come out with my soul still intact."


Hayes looked at Zoella blankly. Hayes noticed that since they finished their first mission, Zoella's mood often change. At times like this, he only knew one plausible reason.

"Zoe, are you on your-"


"Nothing... nothing. Here, have some more."

Hayes slid some plates in front of her.

This was the first time Hayes saw Zoe had a mood swing during her period. That girl's emotion was usually stable even though at times like this.

Based on his experience when dealing with Harriet, the best thing he could do now was feed her and wait until her mood got better. Hayes wished there would be no idiot who comes and interrupted Zoella. Or else, he didn't know what this girl would do.

Zoella put down her cutlery as she leaned her back on her chair. She could feel Hayes still staring a hole at her. Zoella averted her gaze from Hayes. She immediately felt bad after snapping at him for the first time.

"It's alright, Zoe. Thankfully, your mood swing is way better than Harriet's."

Zoella pursed her lips after hearing Hayes's words. She didn't know if she should be mad or relieved to hear that.

"Also, we need to purify this forest soon."

"We? You won't do it yourself?"

She lifted her left eyebrow. Zoella naturally thought that she just needed to see while Hayes does the purifying himself.

"You come here to train, Zoe. Not on a vacation."

Zoella rolled her eyes. She somehow regretted coming along with Hayes. But it was already too late to go back now.

"I see you have finished your meal."

Hayes and Zoella stood up the moment they heard Darfin's voice. They sat back down after Darfin and Tyrael did.

"Yes. Thank you so much for your hospitality."

"Hoho, it was nothing. The two of you are our benefactors. Of course, we need to pay special attention."

The elves' demeanor had changed drastically compared to when they first arrived in this forest. They became extremely kind. So much that it kind of made Zoella feel weird.

Hayes straightened his posture as he put on a serious expression.

"Sir Darfin, about the black mages which I am certain that Zoella had explained to you, I'm pretty sure that their purpose was the life stone. Though we still don't know as to why they need it since their attribute was the opposite of the life stone."

Darfin listened to every word Hayes said carefully.

"We can say if the life stone is the light, then black mana is the dark. These two will clash if they were to be combined."

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