Chapter One

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The hall silences as I step in. The only sound is of the wooden benches creaking as everyone turns around to look at me. The girl who was part of the Golden Trio. The Head Girl. The girl who was at the top of her class. Despite being a mudblood. Despite putting her schooling in danger to assist Harry Potter. The girl longer had any friends.

I lift up my head and march towards the Gryffindor table. As I walk towards it hushed whispers erupt throughout the great hall. I settle down at the end of the table, in the very back of the great hall, So I could see everyone. I lift my head up to see all of Gryffindor staring at me like I was a Slytherin.

"What are you all staring at?" I announce finally.

The hall remains silent and the whispers cease. I glance around holding my chin up high daring anyone to say anything. And yet someone did.

"I didn't think you would show your face Mudblood". Ron speaks first, getting up from his seat beside Harry and marching over to me, his shirt already stained with food.

"Are you going to let him call me that Harry? Being, since your Mum was a muggle born". I ask turning towards him.

"Yes I am. Because unlike all the other muggle born...your blood is dirty". He laughs throwing his head back sneering at me.

Professor Snape was right...he is just like his Father. If only a teacher would come in. Maybe they would help me. Maybe...

"My blood isn't dirty Harry. If it were I would have serious medical con-"

"There she goes again. The little know it all. Always to correct others. The teachers pet. Shut up Mudblood. It's time to put you in your place". Ron snarls taking another step towards me end of the bench.

Half of the hall gasps and Gryffindors seated near me scoot far away, afraid of the threat.

"Just because I'm better at you at spells And school work Ron doesn't mean I'm a suck up". I smirk up at his face which is filled with hatred.

"Shut up. You filthy little Mudblood". Harry says whipping out his wand "we all know your blowing Professor Snape to pass his class. Because no one else is close to passing it but you. You have 100%"

"Harry! For your information I do my work and keep out of his way! I do not give him blow jobs! I just have a passion for potions!" I shriek standing up.

He had gone too far. To accuse me of that...for grades! Where is the nice, kind Harry I'm used to?

"I bet you do". Ron smirks.

"Ron!" I shriek turning towards him angrily. "Why are you doing this?! What did I do?!"

"You lost your purpose. We got tired of you tagging along. We got tired of you. We've dealt with you for 6 years. That's far too long for anyone to have to deal with you." Ron speaks first scowling down at me.

"What?! If that's what you think then-"

"Yes it is what we think. No one likes you here. People only put up with you because they want you to do their work. Your a know it all. You aren't even pretty. You don't know how to speak like a normal teen. Your like an old woman. And we can't have that. The only use for you was for you to do our work. That's the only use your good for." Harry smirks.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek and I don't bother to catch it. could I have been so oblivious? No one would want to be my friend. No one would willingly be my friend. Why would they? I'm annoying. Ugly. Know it all. Useless. I'm useless. How could I have believed out friendship was real? When it never was. They used me. They used me...I've never had friends...never. I fled the hall knocking over plates of food at the Gryffindor table. I ran into an object and fell down. Sprawled on the cold hard ground I looked up to meet the face of none other than Professor Snape. Great timing.

"25 points from Gryffindor". He snarled, scowling down at me.

I looked up into his deep brown eyes and felt more tears slide down my cheeks. I get up and run away not looking back and not stopping as he calls after me. Yelling for me to stop and taking away points from Gryffindor. But I can't care...I can't...caring hurts...caring is hard. So I can't. But yet I do. I find myself at the Astronomy Tower. My refuge. I slide down and let the tears go. I let go for once. And just cry. Letting the moon shine down on me. It's light wrapping around me...shielding me from the monsters in the shadows.

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