Chapter Six

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Weeks had past but no letters. No owls. No nothing. Severus kept telling me to be patient. That they were fighting a war you know. That they were still fighting for control over the ministry. He kept me posted roughly on what was happening. I wanted to help. To do something. But there was nothing I could do. I had to sit tight and wait. I hated waiting. Most days I spent my evenings in the dungeons practicing potions and keeping my own little stock of potions for later usage. Ron and Harry still sent death threats but they had backed off a bit. Not out of the goodness of their hearts but out of fear. The glamour had completely faded leaving nothing for me to hide behind. Christmas was coming and everyone was in a festive mood except me. All of my classes were dull and I had finished all the work necessary for the year and had turned it in. Why did I even go to those classes anymore. Besides potions there was no point. mcgonagall refused to acknowledge my existence and that was fine by me. It left me time to sleep and to think. Think about how it would be. To finally see them. To finally meet them as I am now. Would they love me? Would they love each other? Could we be a family? No. No we couldn't. They're two of the darkest wizards in the world. They don't know the meaning of love much less a family. Draco seems content though when he goes home. He's offered to take me home anyway without permission and just have it be a surprise but Severus nearly skinned him alive when he suggested that. Will I be happy? I don't know what happy is anymore. happy is potion making and the time I get to spend with Draco and Severus learning about who I truly am. Though they haven't mentioned my true name. My name. I guess they aren't supposed to say. I wish I knew I could go home. Home to them. I need to know what it's like being a Riddle.

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