Chapter Eight

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Today was the day. Oh how I wished for once in my life for classes to finish. I was going home. Finally home. Yet...Home is such a weird word. I was never able to call my old house and family, home because it wasn't. It never felt right. But this. This feels so good. I was going to meet my family. Draco could sense how anxious I was all day and spent the day telling me tales about family memories and vacations. Which led to constant scolding from our Professors for not paying attention in class. But it didn't matter because Class was dismissed and before I could bolt out of the classroom McGonagall stopped me.

"Miss Granger please wait a moment".

"Can't we discuss this after break im going to miss the train". I groan in frustration, glancing longingly at the exit.

"No we can't. Now. I understand you are returning home for break. Yes?"

"Yeah I always go home for break. Where else would I go?" I exclaim with a huff of impatience. "Is that all because I really must get going Professor"

"No! It isn't all. I know what your doing. And who your going home to." She whispers her eyes darting back and forth worriedly keeping her gaze on me as if to see if I would try something.

"Yeah I'm going home to my family Professor. Really I think you would deduct that by now when I said I'm going home" I chuckle at her stupidity and rightful fear of my family.

"Right...well then. Goodbye Miss Granger". She dismisses but I'm already out of the room and grabbing my bags and rushing down the hallways to the train station.

I reach it just as it's about to take off and I quickly jump on almost losing a bag And Hurriedly check all the compartments looking for Draco and fellow Slytherin. But I don't see any of them. All i see are groups of sneering Gryffindors. I find an empty compartment and shove my bags above and finally flop down onto the seats settling in for the long trip ahead of us. I pull out my iPod from in my winter coat pocket and turn it on. I wonder if they have muggle appliances at the Malfoy's. I wonder what they'll say to this. Or even if they know what it is. I hit shuffle and closed my eyes fading into a dreamless sleep.

The train rolls to a stop and I awake to see Draco standing over me with a disgruntled face on.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere!!! Well never mind that. We have to hurry and find Severus". He mutters grabbing my belongings and taking them off the compartment shelves.

"I'm sorry Draco I couldn't find you. I looked everywhere but then I decided to just take this empty compartment. I'm sorry to worry you". I mumble trying to shake the cobwebs from my eyes.

We hurry off the train our bags in hand and set off to find Severus. An elderly woman dressed head to toe in fur and exotic prints hurries over to us. Her older wiser eyes still sparkle with excitement and she takes our hands and pulls us in.

"B has sent me to come collect you" she murmurs looking down at us expectantly.

"What about S? I thought he was collecting us?" Draco whines obviously not wanting to leave with this old woman.

"I am S you imbecile". The old woman mutters hitting Draco in the stomach with her cane.

Draco doubles over with a groan as I struggle to control my giggles. I take Severus's arm and quickly murmur a spell shrinking my luggage and stashing it into my small purple draw string bag. We hurry out of the station and into an awaiting car with Draco struggling to carry his baggage limping along behind us.

"I hate these muggle contrapments" Severus groans as the cars doors closed locking us inside.

"So where are we going grandma?" Draco teased grinning at Severus's appearance.

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