Chapter Twenty Three

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As i marched through that door ready to play the part i froze a bit as i saw the sight before me. His slumped figure gazing into the fire, leaning upon the mantle for support against atmosphere. He seemed so weak and helpless, like a lost dog. At that resemblance i felt a giggle begin to bubble over my lips but i clamped them shut. now was not the time to laugh at this mutt. When you stand over his broken soulless body you can laugh i murmur before shaking my locks down around my shoulders and taking a seat on the sofa infront of the gentle fire that illuminated the room but cast flattering shadows across my face and giving my hair a gentle shine the kind i knew Severus loved. No. I must think of him right now. Not when i am to play the part of this mutts loving mate.

"I see you've heard my summons darlin" he chuckles turning to face me, wincing slightly in pain.

"I see my father was able reach you before me" i murmur looking over his slightly crumpled clothing and pained expression.

"Why yes he does have an interesting way of talking to people". He growled casting an accusational gaze towards the door.

"I suppose. Though i assume you did not call me here to discuss my father and his temperament". I muttered shifting my gaze to his scarred face.

"No i did not. It has come to my attention that i will be responsible for collecting you from the train on the last day of school. Though i cannot make it through the wards so you must meet me outside of the station promptly after your train has let out". Fenrir commands a tightness to his voice.

"That seems adequate. I shall need my own rooms at your headquarters". I demand my lips tight and my hands clasped tightly before me on my lap.

"we shall see, if your a good girl that is". He murmurs, laughter quickly following filling the room.

"I wouldn't test me Fenrir. Do you recall the last time you tested my patience? it didn't end well for you did it?" i growl silencing his laughter.

"Listen her girly, i will not be threatened by a 17 year old girl who hasn't finished her schooling. You are no match for a pack leader". He growled taking a step towards me trying to remain strong but wincing again.

"you're too injured to be playing the tough guy right now" I chuckle gesturing towards his injured stance.

"dont test me. I am not above killing you". He growled anger once more flashing through his eyes.

"Im glad. The same goes for me. Yet I'm sure id win, Ive seen you duel and its nothing to be desired". 

"shut up little girl, i don't have to duel to kill you. Im a wolf, and as i recall wolves love playing with their food. I wouldn't just kill you, but id make you beg for mercy. And then id change you. Forever to be cursed to live as a mutt. your father would never accept you then and you'd be an outcast". He murmured stepping towards me, softly tracing my neckline, his words causing shivers to wrack down my spine.

"So you say. But i did not come here to fight. If that is all you desire to talk about i shall take my leave" i murmur a bit breathlessly, standing up to head for the door.

He stops me and grabs my hands roughly in his holding me in place. 

"not so fast little girl. I can smell the lust on you, mixed with fear of course but that will fade. The lust of course you won't be able to control once you come this summer and spend 3 moons with us"

i examine the scars and the newest wounds which would surely scar as well. I look up to meet his gaze and i pause for a moment.

"do not assume anything" i growl but theres fear in his eyes mixed with curiosity clouded with what i assume is lust.

I growl softly and murmur a spell shooting red sparks out of my wand hitting him straight in the chest. He landed with a sharp thud against the wall knocking a couple of portraits off. His face was frozen in shock that slowly turned to anger and he growled like a dog, no longer did his growls resemble human. His pupils enlarged, filling his entire eye with black. His bones cracked and he started morphing. I stood stalk still realizing my mistake. I had seen one wolf turn before, only Remus. Kind gentle Remus. This was an angry, lust filled wolf. I shut my eyes and took deep breathes wracking my brain for any spells, any non deadly spells that would work on a fully changed wolf. Brain don't fail me now. My eyes snapped open at the sound of a deadly growl. He was standing before me, i could feel his breathe on my cheek. He was taller than me, big and brown spotted with black fur. His eyes were gold and speckled with red. He was beautiful. But deadly. He seethed and growled menacingly, daring me to do something. I took a deep breathe and tilted my face up towards him. Wheres my Gryffindor courage now? I let out a shaky breathe and remained still as he began to circle around me. I took a step towards the door and the growl that took place was deafening. His head snapped towards the door and he whimpered slightly before lying down on the rug covered floor wincing slightly. i looked towards the door and went to open it but there was no one there. His whimpers continued, growing louder and louder and i took one last glance towards him before dashing out the door, locking and warding it behind me. He wouldn't be getting out without magic. something was familiar about him and it gave me a sense of dread, more than usual. 

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