Chapter Twelve

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"Hermione Riddle if you don't stop fidgeting this instant young lady I'll curse you to oblivion" my mother muttered from under my dress trying to pin it all together so that it's perfect.

"Oh you were just as fidgety Bella" Cissa calls from across the room chuckling at the sight.

"I don't know how mother did it". Bella murmurs stabbing me once again with a pin.

My hair was piled up in a loose bun that had tendrils framing my face, which showed signs of sleep loss and aggravation at the woman under my dress as she stabs me yet again with a pin. I hiss and clench my jaw and decide to stare up at the beautifully carven designs on the ceiling as to distract myself from cursing aloud. As that wasn't lady like.

"Now Hermione did you finish up on your reading?"

"Yes Aunt Cissa it was a very interesting study. I always assumed it was ridiculous but these rules and regulations all have such beautifully crafted back grounds. not that I agree with them but it's fascinating to learn about all the great witches and our ancestors". I proclaim excitedly moving my arms causing more pins to stab into me.

"You're starting to sound like Severus, speaking of have been spending a lot of time together In and out of your studies". Aunt Cissa murmurs smiling slyly.

"He's been a steady and strong person to go back to during all of this change. He always has the solutions to things and is a great help in military, political, and social strategy. I can have an educational discussion or debate with him on wizardry and it's great intellectually. He's a wonderful person who I am honored to call a friend". I proclaim blushing slightly at what she may be implying.

"I'm glad you think so high of me Hermione". Severus chuckles as he steps into the room.

"No! You're not allowed to see till tomorrow! Out! out Severus Snape!!!" My mother and Cissa screech running in front of me to shield me.

I catch Severus's eye and we both chuckle as he's shoed out of the room.

"Just thought you might like to know, your lordship requests to see you Hermione". He says popping his head back in causing glares from the two older women.

"Can you tell him I'll be right there?" I call after him as the door magically swings shut.

They work fast to get me out of the dress carefully and yet I still get stuck with several pins before I'm free. I quickly pull on some jeans and a loose grey t-shirt and glance in a mirror at my unruly image. I quickly murmur a spell and my under eye circles are gone and my knotty hair is combed and runs beautifully down my back in small ringlets. I quickly kiss my mother goodbye before rushing out the door to the head to the study. I open the study door and stop short as I see joining us is Lucius and another man. A man who smells of dog.

"Ah step in step in my dear we have much to discuss. And close the door behind you." My father murmurs smiling slightly at my entrance.

"I thought we would be talking alone, I apologize for bursting in like this". I bow my head slightly before looking up to meet the strange mans eyes.

"Who is this one sir? She looks very delicious". The man murmurs looking me up and down appraisingly.

"My Heir, Fenrir. And if you ever say or look at her like that again you'll find things to be very...difficult for you. Know your place. She will not be mingling with a mutt like you". Toms voice radiates power causing the man to wince in pain at the implications.

"Now this meeting was called to discuss Hermione's ball tomorrow. Everyone will be there including the followers outside of the inner circle. She will be formally introduced to the wizarding world. everyone will know she is my heir. Lucius how are they coming along? What is their overall opinion on her?" Tom asks sitting back in his chair his hands clasped.

"They are worried about her allegiance. They don't know her and are worried for their children's safety." Lucius says pausing debating something in his mind.

"Lucius I need to know everything. I need the truth. Don't sugarcoat it". I demand crossing my arms bracing myself for the outcome.

"Most of the men are dueling day and night to see who is the best to marry her. It's a challenge of sorts. They all want inside the inner circle and they want the power of the Riddle name. The girls are being prepped by their mothers to be nice and sweet and kind and beg for forgiveness for their mistreatment on her previously. Some doubt her lineage as they haven't heard of her before. They doubt you Hermione". Lucius says his eyes twinkling sadly.

"That's fine that's what I expected. But the men competing for marriage? Why? I am not marrying some man who has to compete for me and wants me only as a trophy wife. I'm a better judge of character than that." A chuckle escapes me at the very thought.

"Well you will be eligible for courtship tomorrow after the announcement so we will have to place a guard on you to make sure no one slips any love potions or spells during the ball-"

"I want Severus as my guard." I declare glancing at my father for approval.

"Why is it you want Severus as your guard? Is it that you have already been claimed?" Fenrir asks leaning on the fire place mantle studying me.

"No. I trust Severus with my life. And plus he's a great intellectual conversationalist and we share similar thoughts of people so I'm sure it will be amusing". I smirk watching Fenrir falter slightly.

"So it will be. I will inform Severus of his duties tonight. But for now, Fenrir what is your report?". Tom says nodding to me.

"Hogwarts is trying to ban children of death eaters to return to their schooling but luckily with the ministry under our wing there's no way the minister will agree to it. Especially with his family on the line. He is very easy to bend to get what we desire". Fenrir says glancing over at me cracking a menacing smile.

"Thank you, you are dismissed". Tom practically growls at the dog.

"See you later princess" Fenrir murmurs as he strolls past me out the door.

"I hate werewolves...if only he wasn't so useful I would have gotten rid of him a while ago. I apologize Hermione for his behavior but I believe you will be seeing a lot more of that behavior in others especially after tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't protect you from these things. I'll do what I can but there's a limit" Tom says smiling sadly.

"It's fine. I can protect myself. And besides I'm always with someone be it mother or Severus so you have nothing to worry about Father". I murmur walking over to the side of him and placing a hand gently on his tense shoulder.

"Alright my dear. I hope you have learned enough about the Pureblood society to get through tomorrow. You have to follow through with the plan at any cost. Now please leave us I have much to discuss with Lucius."

I nod and look over at Lucius whose brow was furrowed with worry. I quickly exit the room and make my way through the maze of the house to my room. I open the beautiful oak door to my room and step into it the moon being my only light. I quickly rip off my shirt and pants and climb into bed my hair still piled up a bun with my wand hidden inside.

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