Chapter Eleven

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She sat at her vanity softly fingering a stubborn tendril that drifted from the bun atop her head. She sighed and quickly muttered something and in an instant it was all perfectly placed just as usual. Since her escape from azkaban she has cleaned up quite nicely. Everyone always believed she was insane but it's not her fault really. She isn't insane as everyone believes. She just has a short temper. From being locked up for years she had a right. And I will not allow that to happen ever again. Never again will they hurt my mother. I approach softly and lay my hands on her shoulder softly giving her cheek a quick peck.

"Morning mother"

"Ah practice over already love? I would never have thought dear old Severus would have let you off early". She chuckles placing a loving hand upon mine.

"Father asked for me to be excused for the day as It is time I focused on more present and urgent manners...which is why I've come to you. I have something to ask of you." I murmur nervously glancing at the floor.

"You can ask anything of me dear now what is it?" She smiles reassuringly and swiveling around In her chair to look up at me.

"Father says in order to have everyone's trust and in order for them to rally with me and get their respect I must persuade them and earn it. But I do not know how to do so. I'm not that great at social things." I murmur grimacing at my weakness.

"You take after your father in that department I fear but no worried with my genes once you get the Han of it you'll be a master at all things social. Has your father mentioned the initiation ball for you? Oh! We shall have a grand time planing it and we shall have you on par with socializing by then!" She squeals gleefully clapping her hands together like a tiny child.

"But where do I even start? I know nothing of pure blood society"

"Oh that damned school of yours...well we shall have to take you to the library. I believe you'll learn better from the books than anyone teaching you-"

"There's a library?! Oh mother can we go right now?" I interrupt a smile radiating off of me with shock and happiness.

Oh imagine the library they have here. Imagine all the books and the vast variety...

"Alight my dear we shall go"

We exit the grand room and walk along the beautiful hallways lined with painting and mirrors all greeting us as we pass. We stop at a beautiful red oak door and she gestures for me to open it. I slowly crack the door open and step in.

"Oh my goodness" I gasp taking it all in.

It's gorgeous. The book shelves like the walls from the floor to the ceiling and the room practically sparkles from the magic flowing through the room from the old books. There's a small little window seat that could hold two people comfortably on the far wall with big red velvet cushions and a small table next to it with a small white candle. And on the right wall there's a small chess table with Lucius and his wife sitting comfortably seeming deep into their game.

"Oh mother it's beautiful!" I exclaim turning towards her.

"Just like your father, such a bookworm. Alright let's get started finding some books to assist you". She gestures her hands and about 7 books pull out from their shelves and float down to us stacking themselves one by one on top a table next to the window seat.

"Are you looking for pure blood society books? Is she finally learning sister?" Narcissa teases not looking up from her game.

"Yes Cissa she is. We shall have the ball in 5 days for her initiation. With you help me with the plans sister?"

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