Chapter Nine

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We walk along many hallways filled with paintings, each of them bowing and greeting me. They're all excited to see me. It's all so strange. So different from the usual hateful and disgusting words that used to be thrown at me. All these paintings full of knowledge and power. I have much to learn from them. But at another time unfortunately.

I hurriedly follow Bellatrix-er-mom throughout the mansion. Suddenly laughter and talking fills the air as we near a grand door. She turns to me and smiles proudly.

"I hope you don't mind...but they're all here to meet you. To finally meet our Dark Lords Heir."

I flinch in surprise and shock. I know what that meant. Oh god. He called a meeting. Would I be initiated tonight? Am I ready? For this...? I feel myself tremble despite of myself.

"It'll be okay dear. It's just old friends. Most you already know. Severus and the Malfoy's will be there. You'll have me by your side and your father. We'll be a family again. Finally....Now let's go show them how powerful us Blacks are...but first let me fix your outfit. We can't have you looking like a muggle now can we?" She waves her wand and my clothing changes from jeans and a sweatshirt into black slick jeans and tall black boots and a slimming black top that showed off too much cleavage in my opinion but I suppose this is how I am to dress from now on. All black. Which was perfect in my opinion. I quickly twisted my wild hair up into a messy bun and nodded to her taking her outstretched arm.

"You look wonderful" she whispered before opening the doors to the dining hall.

Silence weighed heavily in the air as we entered followed by gasps of surprise. My mother leaded me to the head of the table. Where a strange man awaited. He was clad in black and had luscious black hair and beautiful green eyes. He looked young except for slight grey streaks in his hair. He nodded to the chair next to him and smiled at me.

I awkwardly sat down and looked as mother sat across from me on the other side of the table. Severus sat next to me still with the flabbergasted expression on his face. I glanced up at the strange man and bit my lip trying to figure out why he looked so familiar.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I murmur quietly.

A gasp is followed by the others and a chuckle from him.

"Well I am mostly known as Voldemort. But close friends and family call me Tom. Tom Riddle". He chuckles.

"Oh im so sorry. I look so different!" I hurriedly explain worried I might offend him. Great first meeting and I've already ruined it.

"It's quite alright. I'm quite used to it, It's a disguise. You see People would be less afraid of a dashing man such as myself running on the battle field".

"Oh. Well...that's quite true. I prefer this look much better than your other. Less...uncomfortable" I whisper back.

"You look so much like your mother it's outstanding. Though you have my eyes. And our stubbornness" he claims proudly while holding Bella's hand lovingly in his own.

"It's lovely to finally meet you. Like this I mean." I grimace at bringing up our past encounters.

"Ah yes. If only I had known the first time we faced. I feel I could have saved you many years of turmoil and heart break". He explains sadly.

"If you had taken me then I wouldn't have believed you nor gone willingly" I chuckle.

"No I suppose not...anyway" he stands and takes my hand. "Today I am reunited with my one true heir...Hermione Riddle. She is my daughter and shall be treated with utmost respect. If I hear otherwise there will be consequences". He explains his voice dark and threatening sending chills down the backs of even his most loyal followers.

The Dark Lords ProtégéOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz